Created 07-04-2023 10:29 AM
I'm new to NiFi, as you'll realize in this post. I'm trying to troubleshoot this issue where after I'm logging in with the provided password in the log file, I don't get past the loading screen. Here are things I've noticed:
My feeling is that these are having to do with some sort of permission issue. I've tried taking the folder off read-only but that potential solution alone has been a rabbit hole of issues that I'm not even sure is correct. I noticed that there is a slightly different local url in this log file, tried that with the same issue (as opposed to the one provided on the website). I've tried downloading a fresh version of nifi as well.
This has post has been my last resort since I cannot find anything on this issue online. TYIA
Created 07-05-2023 03:18 PM
Oh god. One of my chrome extensions was causing this issue. Dark Reader. Issue solved.
Created 07-04-2023 10:51 AM
@c3turner7 Welcome to the Cloudera Community!
To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our NiFi experts @cotopaul and @MattWho who may be able to assist you further.
Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.
Diana Torres,Created 07-05-2023 02:03 AM
For 1: that is actually not an error and you might ignore it. Does it get written with ERROR because as far as I know, that line is an INFO and it causes no issue/problem.
For 2: based on my tests, you can ignore that message in windows as I received it constantly and NiFi works without any issue.
For 3: Try recording your screen and see if any error gets printed in the CMD before being closed. When this happend to me, I had an issue with JAVA and it got printed in the logs or within the CMD window. Nevertheless, what CMDs are you trying to execute and why? They all have a purpose and if you start running them in blind you might cause other problems and make your debug much heavier than it already is.
For 4: those are INFO lines, meaning that they are not affecting your application and you can ignore them.
Now, circling back to your problem, what do you mean when saying that you do not pass the loading screen? Are you staring at a blank page or do you have the logo displayed constantly? A screenshot might help. In addition, I strongly suggest you to extract all the ERROR lines from your log (nifi-app.log and nifi-bootstrap.log) and paste them here. How did you configure nifi-properties and bootstrap.conf?
Created on 07-05-2023 09:51 AM - edited 07-05-2023 09:52 AM
Here's the screenshot of where I'm stuck at:
Good to know that those info lines don't mean anything serious and I can rule out any sort of security restrictions from Windows.
As far as CMDs, the only one I've run is ctrl+C to shut down NiFi. To start up, I run as administrator to get the run-nifi.bat file open in the foreground and in trying the same thing with other .bat's they immediately close.
Below are lines from nifi-bootstrap.log beginning with ERROR but then seem to elaborate into it being a WARNING seemingly about access.
2023-07-05 09:27:20,147 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
2023-07-05 09:27:20,147 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils (file:/C:/Users/chhri/NIFI-1~1.0/./work/nar/framework/nifi-framework-nar-1.22.0.nar-unpacked/NAR-INF/bundled-dependencies/spring-core-5.3.27.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,
2023-07-05 09:27:20,147 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils
2023-07-05 09:27:20,147 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
2023-07-05 09:27:20,147 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
I am not receiving any ERROR lines in my nifi-app.log file, all INFO.
I have also not touched my nifi-properties and bootstrap.conf files yet.
Created 07-05-2023 10:28 AM
What version of Java are you suing with your Apache NiFi 1.22?
Created 07-05-2023 11:10 AM
Created 07-05-2023 12:54 PM
I suggest opening the developer tools in your browser and then observing the network communication between your browser and the NiFi server. Form this you should see what the current request to load the NiFi UI post authentication credentials being provided is waiting on.
You could get and examine a JVM thread dump for your NIFi. Getting multiple thread dumps space at least 1 min apart while it is in the state of loading the UI for comparison will allow you to see any threads that my not be changing from one dump to the next. That info may help understand where exactly it is hung waiting on something.
Hope this helps,
Created 07-05-2023 03:07 PM
good idea. Looks like errors relating to asset loading. I could try redownloading java 11? Or try java 8?
Created 07-05-2023 03:18 PM
Oh god. One of my chrome extensions was causing this issue. Dark Reader. Issue solved.