Created 12-30-2018 10:28 PM
Hello All,
We have being facing issues with Swap Alerts in our Acceptance Cluster, though there are no application jobs running we still get Swap Memory Alerts. We have not configured any threshold limits for Swap Memory alerts either in Acceptance or Production Clusters (we do not see these alerts in Production Environment ).
We have checked application logs but do not see any error in them, kindly suggest if there is anything more to be checked or done.
Cluster Details:
CM - 5.11.1
CDH - 5.0
RHEL - 7.4
Created 01-06-2019 07:32 PM
Hi Tomas79,
Thanks for the reply, Strangely I see swapping not set to what Cloudera recommends, this is my new role seems a lot needs to be done !
Created 01-02-2019 07:44 AM
Created 01-06-2019 07:32 PM
Hi Tomas79,
Thanks for the reply, Strangely I see swapping not set to what Cloudera recommends, this is my new role seems a lot needs to be done !