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Text and Data Mining

Super Collaborator


I am looking for a reference and demos to show Text & Data mining capabilities on our platform.

I am trying to answer one of the RFP questions.

Any help is highly appreciated.





I've placed a few pyspark scripts on my github: You can demo/show these projects by copying the note.json link into Zeppelin Hub Viewer.

When working with text / unstructured data, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Cleaning the text is important (remove stopwords, remove punctuation, typically you will want to lowcase/upcase all words, account for stemming, tag the part-of-speech, etc.). Tagging part-of-speech is an advanced option, but can enhance the accuracy if use on the right use case.
  • Most text analytics projects involve creating a term-document matrix (TFIDF, which is a term frequency, inverse document frequency matrix). This is typically done within spark using the HashingTF function.
  • From here, you can use the TFIDF vectors and feed them into a clustering algorithm, such as kmeans, LDA, or a really good option would be to use SVD (singular value decomposition).
  • You could also use the TFIDF matrix paired with structured data and use it within a classification (or regression) algorithm such as Naive Bayes, a Decision Tree model, Random Forest, etc.

This process will help you understand your text by (1) finding data-driven topics using the matrix reduction / clustering techniques or by (2) using the term-document matrix to predict an outcome (probability failure, likelihood to churn, etc.)

You may also want to check out Word2Vec (I have an example in my github).

Hope this helps!

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I've placed a few pyspark scripts on my github: You can demo/show these projects by copying the note.json link into Zeppelin Hub Viewer.

When working with text / unstructured data, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Cleaning the text is important (remove stopwords, remove punctuation, typically you will want to lowcase/upcase all words, account for stemming, tag the part-of-speech, etc.). Tagging part-of-speech is an advanced option, but can enhance the accuracy if use on the right use case.
  • Most text analytics projects involve creating a term-document matrix (TFIDF, which is a term frequency, inverse document frequency matrix). This is typically done within spark using the HashingTF function.
  • From here, you can use the TFIDF vectors and feed them into a clustering algorithm, such as kmeans, LDA, or a really good option would be to use SVD (singular value decomposition).
  • You could also use the TFIDF matrix paired with structured data and use it within a classification (or regression) algorithm such as Naive Bayes, a Decision Tree model, Random Forest, etc.

This process will help you understand your text by (1) finding data-driven topics using the matrix reduction / clustering techniques or by (2) using the term-document matrix to predict an outcome (probability failure, likelihood to churn, etc.)

You may also want to check out Word2Vec (I have an example in my github).

Hope this helps!