I am trying to convert "original_timestamp" into human-friendly format. I suppose the values are presented in UNIX Epoch format but for some reason I cannot convert them to date.
"Alert" : {
"cluster_name" : "appslogs",
"component_name" : "AMBARI_AGENT",
"definition_id" : 50,
"definition_name" : "ambari_agent_disk_usage",
"host_name" : "1516.local.net",
"id" : 303,
"instance" : null,
"label" : "Host Disk Usage",
"latest_timestamp" : 1459169433304,
"maintenance_state" : "OFF",
"original_timestamp" : 1458822573305,
"scope" : "HOST",
"service_name" : "AMBARI",
"state" : "WARNING",
"text" : "Capacity Used: [70.92%, 5.9 GB], Capacity Total: [8.3 GB], path=/usr/hdp. Total free space is less than 2.0 GB"
btop@gw-01:~$ date -d '@1458822573305'
Sat Mar 31 15:35:05 EEST 48198
Returned date is obviously incorrect.
So the question is: what's a format of presented values? And how to convert it into date?
Looking forward to your response! Thanks!