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This NiFi instance has been updated by 'anonymous'. Please refresh to synchronize the view.

Expert Contributor

Can't operate Nifi when another one is operating it? I always got this warning:

This NiFi instance has been updated by 'anonymous'. Please refresh to synchronize the view.

thanks in advance.


Master Mentor

NiFi 0.x versions use a whole dataflow revision number when applying changes to anywhere on the canvas. In order invoke a change anywhere (does not matter if you working on different components or within different process groups) on the canvas, the user making the change will need the latest revision number.

A user may open a component for editing at which time the current revision number is grabbed. At the same time another use in another browser may do the same. Whichever user makes there change and hits apply first will trigger the revision number to increment. When the second user tries to hit apply, you get the error you described because his change request does not have the current revision.

But there is good news.... How this works has changed in NiFi 1.x (HDF 2.x) versions. Revisions are no longer tied to the entire dataflow. While two users will still be unable to make changes to the exact same component at the same time, they will be able to edit different components at the same time without running into the above issue.



View solution in original post



If you have two separate NiFi instance views opened simultaneously and edit and made changes to the NiFi data flow, you have to make sure to refresh the view on the second view instance. This ensures that you are always working on the updated version of the data flow.

Expert Contributor

but we operate different group.

Master Mentor

NiFi 0.x versions use a whole dataflow revision number when applying changes to anywhere on the canvas. In order invoke a change anywhere (does not matter if you working on different components or within different process groups) on the canvas, the user making the change will need the latest revision number.

A user may open a component for editing at which time the current revision number is grabbed. At the same time another use in another browser may do the same. Whichever user makes there change and hits apply first will trigger the revision number to increment. When the second user tries to hit apply, you get the error you described because his change request does not have the current revision.

But there is good news.... How this works has changed in NiFi 1.x (HDF 2.x) versions. Revisions are no longer tied to the entire dataflow. While two users will still be unable to make changes to the exact same component at the same time, they will be able to edit different components at the same time without running into the above issue.

