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Unable to complete Add Host Wizard on 6.2 Manager after configuring first host.

New Contributor

I have gone through the installation procedure several times trying to create 3 hosts at once but went back and decided to get the first host up.    This first host is up and I am trying to add additonal hosts.  On the wizard, Heardbeat is working, on the Install Parcels screen it shows CDH 6.2.0-1.cdh6.2.0.p0.967373 being downloaded/distributed/upacked/activated.


The issue is on the Host Inspector.

1 hosts are reporting with NONE CDH version


Also, none of the cloudera system accounts have been created on the new host.
i.e. The user hdfs is missing on the following host


The agent seems to be running and it shows up as Managed when you show all hosts in the Manager.
[root@usnj1cldrawrkr2 ~]# systemctl | grep cloudera
  cloudera-scm-agent.service                                                          loaded    active running   Cloudera Manager Agent Service



I was able to get one other host configured correctly by manually installing and then removing the cloudera services and then pushing out again with the host wizard, but no luck again. Any ideas?


Could you share your CM agent logs snippets from right after the parcel activated and the host inspector showed the missing components/users?

The users are typically created (if they do not pre-exist) by the Cloudera Manager agent when the parcel is activated for the first time.

It is possible something may have gone wrong at that step, so having the agent logs will be helpful to troubleshoot it.

View solution in original post


Could you share your CM agent logs snippets from right after the parcel activated and the host inspector showed the missing components/users?

The users are typically created (if they do not pre-exist) by the Cloudera Manager agent when the parcel is activated for the first time.

It is possible something may have gone wrong at that step, so having the agent logs will be helpful to troubleshoot it.

New Contributor

I did a few more manual installs and uninstalls of the agent package on the target host and then ran the Wizard again from the CDH console and finally the system accounts and agent appear properly.  We may be adding more nodes in the near future and expect to see this problem again, but until then I won't be able to duplicate the problem and report back.


Hello Harsh J,


I am having similler or same issue.


Trying to add a new host ...actually it is the first host (after the CM) to a new cluster.


But I am ending with this error 

"Command 30(GlobalHostInstall) has completed. finalstate:FINISHED, success:false, msg:Failed to complete installation"


The following is the "/var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log" since I started the process.


10:58:25.348 AM INFO ServiceHandlerRegistry Executing command GlobalHostInstall GlobalHostInstallCommandArgs{sshPort=22, userName=butmah, password=REDACTED, passphrase=REDACTED, privateKey=REDACTED, parallelInstallCount=10, cmRepoUrl=null, gpgKeyCustomUrl=null, gpgKeyOverrideBundle=<none>, unlimitedJCE=false, javaInstallStrategy=NONE, agentUserMode=ROOT, cdhVersion=-1, cdhRelease=NONE, cdhRepoUrl=null, buildCertCommand=, sslCertHostname=null, reqId=25, skipPackageInstall=false, skipCloudConfig=false, proxyProtocol=HTTP, proxyServer=, proxyPort=8080, proxyUserName=null, proxyPassword=REDACTED, hosts=[node1, node2, node3, node4, node5], existingHosts=[]}.

10:58:25.349 AM INFO CmdStep Executing command work: Execute 1 steps in sequence

10:58:25.349 AM INFO CmdStep Executing command work: Install on 1 hosts.

10:58:25.349 AM INFO CmdStep Executing command work: Install on node5.

10:58:25.350 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorService Adding password-based configurator for node5

10:58:25.350 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorService Submitted configurator for node5 with id 30

10:58:25.357 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from INIT (PT0.008S) to CONNECT

10:58:25.359 AM INFO TransportImpl Client identity string: SSH-2.0-SSHJ_0_14_0

10:58:25.361 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Exiting HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/add-hosts-wizard/installretry.json, Status:200

10:58:25.368 AM INFO TransportImpl Server identity string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.8

10:58:25.422 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from CONNECT (PT0.065S) to AUTHENTICATE

10:58:25.474 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from AUTHENTICATE (PT0.052S) to MAKE_TEMP_DIR

10:58:25.616 AM INFO NodeConfigurator Executing mktemp -d /tmp/scm_prepare_node.XXXXXXXX on node5

10:58:25.620 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from MAKE_TEMP_DIR (PT0.146S) to COPY_FILES

10:58:25.719 AM INFO NodeConfigurator Using key bundle from URL:

10:58:26.063 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from COPY_FILES (PT0.443S) to CHMOD

10:58:26.068 AM INFO NodeConfigurator Executing chmod a+x /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/ on node5

10:58:26.074 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from CHMOD (PT0.011S) to EXECUTE_SCRIPT

10:58:26.142 AM INFO NodeConfigurator Executing bash -c 'bash /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/  --server_version 6.2.0 --server_build 968826 --packages /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/packages.scm --always /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/always_install.scm --x86_64 /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/x86_64_packages.scm --certtar /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/cert.tar --unlimitedJCE false --javaInstallStrategy NONE --agentUserMode ROOT --cm --skipCloudConfig false | tee /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/scm_prepare_node.log; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}' on node5

10:58:27.145 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from EXECUTE_SCRIPT (PT1.071S) to SCRIPT_START

10:58:27.145 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from SCRIPT_START (PT0S) to TAKE_LOCK

10:58:27.145 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from TAKE_LOCK (PT0S) to DETECT_ROOT

10:58:27.145 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from DETECT_ROOT (PT0S) to DETECT_DISTRO

10:58:27.145 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from DETECT_DISTRO (PT0S) to DETECT_SCM

10:58:28.146 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from DETECT_SCM (PT1.001S) to REPO_INSTALL

10:58:28.146 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from REPO_INSTALL (PT0S) to REFRESH_METADATA

10:58:30.354 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Entering HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/add-hosts-wizard/installprogressdata.json

10:58:30.355 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Exiting HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/add-hosts-wizard/installprogressdata.json, Status:200

10:58:32.079 AM INFO AgentAvroServlet (3 skipped) AgentAvroServlet: heartbeat processing stats: average=2ms, min=1ms, max=34ms.

10:58:32.150 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Transitioning from REFRESH_METADATA (PT4.004S) to PACKAGE_INSTALL cloudera-manager-agent

10:58:32.160 AM WARN NodeConfigurator Command bash -c 'bash /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/  --server_version 6.2.0 --server_build 968826 --packages /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/packages.scm --always /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/always_install.scm --x86_64 /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/x86_64_packages.scm --certtar /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/cert.tar --unlimitedJCE false --javaInstallStrategy NONE --agentUserMode ROOT --cm --skipCloudConfig false | tee /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/scm_prepare_node.log; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}' on node5 finished with exit status 1

10:58:32.160 AM INFO NodeConfiguratorProgress node5: Setting PACKAGE_INSTALL cloudera-manager-agent as failed and done state

10:58:32.160 AM INFO TransportImpl Disconnected - BY_APPLICATION

10:58:35.363 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Entering HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/add-hosts-wizard/installprogressdata.json

10:58:35.364 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Exiting HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/add-hosts-wizard/installprogressdata.json, Status:200

10:58:35.369 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Entering HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/express-wizard/updateHostsState

10:58:35.370 AM INFO JavaMelodyFacade Exiting HTTP Operation: Method:POST, Path:/express-wizard/updateHostsState, Status:200

10:58:35.375 AM ERROR WorkOutputs CMD id: 30 Failed to complete installation on host node5.

10:58:35.375 AM ERROR DbCommand Command 30(GlobalHostInstall) has completed. finalstate:FINISHED, success:false, msg:Failed to complete installation.

Would you be able to attach the contents of
/tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/scm_prepare_node.log (or any/all
'/tmp/**/scm_prepare_node.log' files) from the host the install failed on
(node5 in this case)?


Mr. Harsh,

please find the following as requested :

using SSH_CLIENT to get the SCM hostname: 37758 22
opening logging file descriptor
BEGIN flock 4
END (0)
effective UID is 1000
BEGIN which pbrun
END (1)
BEGIN sudo -S id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
END (0)
Using 'sudo ' to acquire root privileges
BEGIN grep 'Ubuntu' /etc/lsb-release
END (0)
BEGIN grep DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release
END (0)
BEGIN echo DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial | cut -d = -f 2
END (0)
BEGIN host -t PTR
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
END (1)
BEGIN which python
END (0)
BEGIN python -c 'import socket; import sys; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET); s.settimeout(5.0); s.connect((sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))); s.close();' 7182
END (0)
BEGIN which wget
END (0)
BEGIN wget -qO- -T 1 -t 1 && /bin/echo
END (4)
installing repository file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/repos/ubuntu_xenial/cloudera-manager.list
repository file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/repos/ubuntu_xenial/cloudera-manager.list installed
installing apt keys
BEGIN sudo apt-key add /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/customGPG
END (0)
installing priority file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/ubuntu_xenial
priority file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/ubuntu_xenial installed
BEGIN sudo apt-get update
Hit:1 xenial-security InRelease
Hit:2 xenial InRelease
Hit:3 xenial-updates InRelease
Hit:4 xenial-backports InRelease
Reading package lists...
END (0)
BEGIN sudo apt-get update
Hit:1 xenial InRelease
Hit:2 xenial-security InRelease
Hit:3 xenial-updates InRelease
Hit:4 xenial-backports InRelease
Reading package lists...
END (0)
###CLOUDERA_SCM### PACKAGE_INSTALL cloudera-manager-agent
BEGIN sudo dpkg -l cloudera-manager-agent | grep -E '^ii[[:space:]]*cloudera-manager-agent[[:space:]]*'
dpkg-query: no packages found matching cloudera-manager-agent
END (1)
BEGIN sudo apt-cache show cloudera-manager-agent
E: No packages found
END (100)
cloudera-manager-agent must have Version=6.2.0 and Build=968826, exiting
closing logging file descriptor

 and this is what I have under "/tmp/scm_prepare_node.vQZe0yDf/" folder:



Mr. Harsh,

would you please have a look at my reply, please?

