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Unable to start the WebHcat server in Ambari Version 2.5.2


We are unable to start the WebHcat server. We are the getting the below error :

This the error we are getting :

Fail: Applying File['/usr/hdp/'] failed, parent directory /usr/hdp/ doesn't exist

Please see the bug has been patched in version 2.6 and later . but we are using 2.5.2 . However , FYI , we have another machine with same version where we are able to start/stop the webhcat server without any issues .


Master Mentor

@Raj ji

I think your symlink is broken please recreate the symlink and re-test ! It should look like this

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Oct 19  2017  /usr/hdp/  -> /etc/hive/

To create a new symlink (will fail if symlink exists already):

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

To create or update a symlink:

ln -sf /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

Hope that helps

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Raj ji

I think your symlink is broken please recreate the symlink and re-test ! It should look like this

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Oct 19  2017  /usr/hdp/  -> /etc/hive/

To create a new symlink (will fail if symlink exists already):

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

To create or update a symlink:

ln -sf /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

Hope that helps

Master Mentor

@Raj ji

Any updates?



Apologies for the delay , I wasn't able to reply back in mobile . though I have drafted the reply . . Yes It worked !! . But we have already created the Symlink and We have even edited the python code with the absolute path in file . Both the above solution works for me . However my concern is , we have had a problem when we changed the symlink in other service. So we dont want any trouble later . Would it be alright to create symlink alone as permanent workaround . Or any other permanent solution. Just curiosity , How did you predicted after seeing the error. Kindly teach us how did you analyzed the error quickly 🙂

Master Mentor

@Raj ji

Yes, Symlinks are preferred to tweaking the py codes !!!

How I quickly analyzed the first pointer was " parent directory /usr/hdp/ doesn't exist" this by experience is a symlink which points to the configuration files. So without that symlink access to the conf files you can't start the WebHcat server