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Using nifi registry in a nifi cluster.



I have a 3 node nifi cluster. I want to persist my flow file changes to a Git repo. I could do it locally on my single node system and it is very helpful in versioning. Wanted to check how will the configuration be done in the 3 node cluster. Can I just have registry on only one node in the cluster or should I put it in all 3 nodes. Also if such a thing is not supported, is there any work around to use nifi registry with a nifi cluster.


Master Guru

NiFi Registry is a separate application and works the same whether NiFi is clustered or not. You can run NiFi Registry on one of the NiFi nodes or on a completely separate node, either way you just tell your NiFi cluster about the locaiton of NiFi Registry. It works the same whethere NiFi is clustered or standalone.

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Master Guru

NiFi Registry is a separate application and works the same whether NiFi is clustered or not. You can run NiFi Registry on one of the NiFi nodes or on a completely separate node, either way you just tell your NiFi cluster about the locaiton of NiFi Registry. It works the same whethere NiFi is clustered or standalone.


@Bryan Bende: thanks, just one more thing, does this mean that if I make a change to one node in the cluster and commit, all the nodes in the nifi cluster will show that the commit has happened?


I tested it out on a cluster, works perfectly. Any changes made from any of the nifi cluster nodes and committed are reflected across all nifi nodes.



Although the Nifi Registry persists the changes made to a process group, a Nifi cluster will do that regardless of having a registry or not. The Nifi Registry gives you the ability to create CI/CD across your pipelines. We have four separate Nifi clusters. Dev, Test, UAT & Production, all using the same Nifi Registry, when we make the changes in Dev the registry easily allows us to promote those changes to each of the environments with a full audit trail of who changed what and when. Critical for real life dataflows. Changes should only ever be made in dev and not directly in any of the other environments.
Hope that helps