Created 11-15-2016 06:09 AM
I would like to understand where is zookeeper base path is available and how do i check it?
in hbase-site.xml it is configured[zookeeper.znode.parent] as /hbase-secure, but i dont see any hdfs folders on that name.
Is it something automatically getting created? we are getting some weird error related to this path.
Created 11-15-2016 06:11 AM
/hbase-secure is not hdfs path it is zk node, please check this zk node using zkCli
Created 11-15-2016 06:19 AM
we are getting null pointer exception, when we try to access the table programmatically, but when we try with hbase console its working, what could be the issue? when i checked in zkcli get /hbase-secure, the data length is 0.
Created 11-15-2016 07:17 AM
looks you have secure env, the reason of NPE could be accessiblity of your zknode, how you are accessing zk node.
Created 11-15-2016 07:19 AM
We are just trying to read the Hbase table using HortonWorks Hbase connector, we also tried newHadoopAPI, all are same problem.
Created 11-15-2016 07:18 AM
bq. we are getting null pointer exception, when we try to access the table programmatically, but when we try with hbase console its working, what could be the issue?
can you check that your application also has same hbase-site.xml in classpath.
bq.when i checked in zkcli get /hbase-secure, the data length is 0
when you do "ls" on your parent znode /hbase-secure by using zkcli, you should see following nodes. if they don't exists ,it means your cluster if formatted or running on different znode.(check all znodes at root by doing "ls /")
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] ls /hbase-secure [meta-region-server, backup-masters, table, draining, region-in-transition, table-lock, running, master, namespace, hbaseid, online-snapshot, replication, splitWAL, recovering-regions, rs, flush-table-proc]
Created 11-15-2016 06:54 PM
You should have hbase-site.xml in your classpath for the java application. Please read: