Created 01-31-2017 10:15 AM
Hello guys
I am following the documentation to make oozie HA
And after installing and changing the conf, when I restart oozie I got this error
Error: Could not find or load main class
Do I forget something?
Created 01-31-2017 12:15 PM
Please run the following command on both servers and compare. You might have missing packages.
On RHEL, command is
rpm -qa | oozie*
Created 01-31-2017 12:15 PM
Please run the following command on both servers and compare. You might have missing packages.
On RHEL, command is
rpm -qa | oozie*
Created 01-31-2017 03:46 PM
Thank you, acctually I was missing the package oozie-2-3-2-0-2950-server.
I paste the procedure
apt-get install oozie-2-3-2-0-2950-server
and then
hadoop fs -put /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libtools/oozie-tools- /user/oozie/share/lib/lib_xxxxxxx/oozie/
Created 01-31-2017 01:20 PM
Additionally please check if the "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libtools/oozie-tools-x.x.x.x.x.x.jar" JAR exist or not on the host where you added the component? Example: "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libtools/oozie-tools-" This jar contains the class "".