Created on 07-27-2015 03:44 PM - edited 09-16-2022 02:35 AM
Looking at the "Tuning YARN" documentation page, I noticed that the estimate for "Task Overhead" seems very large - 51GB for the example given, and 24GB on the tuning spreadsheet. The s/s comment says: "Allow additional overhead for task buffers, such as the HDFS Sort I/O buffer, JVM overheads etc." However, it does not explain how the number is derived. This seems steep for a small/medium cluster that probably account for the majority of users. Similar config guide at Hortonworks uses a rough ratio of 1/8 instead.
Please help - I need justification for requesting additional hardware $$s.
Created 09-18-2015 04:59 AM
Created 09-18-2015 04:59 AM