{ "status" : 404, "message" : "The requested resource doesn't exist: Cluster not found, clusterName=
Created 09-25-2019 06:38 PM
It is really too less information to comment anything on this . Or to guess what might be happening.
Can you please provide more detailed information about your issue?
1. When are you noticing such error?
2. In which Log you see this message ? Can you share the complete log?
3. The product that you are using and the Product version like Ambari version / HDP version ...etc
4. A full stackTrace of the error.
Created 09-27-2019 05:15 AM
Is this issue resolved? Looks like you have abandoned this thread. Please revert back if you have found the solution that way other community users can get the solution Or please share the requested informations to continue the discussion..
Created 09-25-2019 06:38 PM
It is really too less information to comment anything on this . Or to guess what might be happening.
Can you please provide more detailed information about your issue?
1. When are you noticing such error?
2. In which Log you see this message ? Can you share the complete log?
3. The product that you are using and the Product version like Ambari version / HDP version ...etc
4. A full stackTrace of the error.
Created 09-27-2019 05:15 AM
Is this issue resolved? Looks like you have abandoned this thread. Please revert back if you have found the solution that way other community users can get the solution Or please share the requested informations to continue the discussion..