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Zeppelin Livy 403 error

Master Guru

on a kerberized cluster i am getting the following error using livy interpreter doing simple sc.version. I ran same sc.version using %spark interpreter with no issues

Error running rest call; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 403 Forbidden

My livy interpreter setting


I have viewed other post on HCC with similar issue. The settings i have displayed above seem to be ok unless someone sees an issue with it.


Master Guru

Check your livy.superusers in Spark->Livy in Ambari, it should mach your Zeppelin principal, in this case zeppelin-lake. You are using custom zeppelin service name, there may be also some bugs in that case. Also check your Zeppelin principal stored in zeppelin.server.kerberos.keytab. Many other issues are covered in this post and it this blog, but Zeppelin service name and the principal in those posts is "zeppelin".

View solution in original post


Master Guru

Check your livy.superusers in Spark->Livy in Ambari, it should mach your Zeppelin principal, in this case zeppelin-lake. You are using custom zeppelin service name, there may be also some bugs in that case. Also check your Zeppelin principal stored in zeppelin.server.kerberos.keytab. Many other issues are covered in this post and it this blog, but Zeppelin service name and the principal in those posts is "zeppelin".