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ambari user management view missing

Expert Contributor

When I logon to Ambari as admin, I no longer see the manage ambari link. I need to create users. What could be wrong ?


Master Mentor

The problem of Manage Ambari option resolved this is what I did !

Logged on the Ambari node where the MySQL database is running. Switch to the Ambari database and deleted the entry in adminprivlege with privilege id 9 I just guessed that id 1 was created first for the ambari Admin which was a correct assumption

# ambari-server stop 
# ambari-server start

But prior to deleting the above entry I run these 2 API's

Delete a user using REST API

curl -iv -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari"-X DELETE http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/users/{user} 

Delete a group using REST API :

curl -iv -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari"-X DELETE http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/groups/{group}

Hope that helps someone


View solution in original post



What version of Ambari are you using? Can you check this URI with the exact version, e.g.,


Can you check the API, http://server:8080/api/v1/users ?

Any errors in /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log ?


Did you do an upgrade? This usually occurs after an upgrade of Ambari. Did you remember to upgrade the Ambari database schema? This is an indication that the configurations e.g. Hive configurations in the newer version was not upgraded properly. The easiest way to fix is to look at each component, especially YARN or Hive, see if there is a missing property, usually on the initial Settings table (e.g, Hive authentication) and add it manually to the configuration file e.g. hive-site.xml.


I am having this same issue after upgrading to Ambari i can only see Manage Ambari when on as Admin, my personal account is set as admin but the link no longer shows for me. The API for all users looks fine and my personal account is only in the admins group. Any thoughts on how to get the link back for my personal account?


we removed my group from my personal user account and it appears to have returned.


strange it is very random even after removing and adding group back it appears at each log in it is not there until i hit a refresh then it shows up

New Contributor
This issue occurs when ambari ADMIN user is given operator privilege or is added to some group that is given operator privilege. I logged into the ambari database, deleted the entry that got created related to this new user from ADMINPRIVILEGE table/ restarted ambari-server and now i can see the manage ambari link when logged in as admin. 


How do you do this? I have no idea how to delete the entry in the ambari database

Master Mentor

@chaitanya vasamsetty

I hit the same problem a I have 2 entries in the MySQL DB for the adminprivileges ? I guess the id.1 is for the admin but I don't want to take a guess so could you tel me what exatctly you deleted?


New Contributor
@Geoffrey Shelton Okot

yes that's correct, id.1 is for admin , i deleted the other entries.