Created on 08-26-2013 02:38 AM - edited 09-16-2022 01:47 AM
When I tried to alter the table and added the external serde,its shows the error as :
Added /tmp/b07e0a29-979b-49fd-8d09-a007a4a76529_resources/json-serde-1.1.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar to class path Added resource: /tmp/b07e0a29-979b-49fd-8d09-a007a4a76529_resources/json-serde-1.1.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar FAILED: RuntimeException MetaException(message:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException SerDe org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.JsonSerde does not exist)
Created 08-28-2013 04:04 AM
You will need to add your hive-contrib-*.jar under $HIVE_HOME/lib/ as an "add jar" command before you can execute this, as the class seems to be from an off-default contrib package.
Created 08-28-2013 04:04 AM
You will need to add your hive-contrib-*.jar under $HIVE_HOME/lib/ as an "add jar" command before you can execute this, as the class seems to be from an off-default contrib package.
Created 12-21-2015 02:13 PM
I am also facing similar issue can you tell me where I need to add hive-contib.jar , We are using cdh5.4.2. Please let me know the exact path. Thanks!!