Created 02-28-2019 07:29 PM
I am loading a phoenix table but in hbase this table row key is shown as hex values. how can I correct this to see the ASCII values ? that is the integer value
sqlline version 1.1.8 0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost:2181:/hbase-unsecur> SELECT * FROM EXAMPLE; +--------+-------------+------------+ | MY_PK | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | +--------+-------------+------------+ | 12345 | John | Doe | | 67890 | Mary | Jane | +--------+-------------+------------+ 2 rows selected (0.053 seconds)
Version, r897822d4dd5956ca186974c10382e9094683fa29, Fri May 11 08:01:42 UTC 2018 hbase(main):001:0> scan 'EXAMPLE'ROW COLUMN+CELL \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0009 column=M:FIRST_NAME, timestamp=1551381906272, value=John \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0009 column=M:LAST_NAME, timestamp=1551381906272, value=Doe \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0009 column=M:_0, timestamp=1551381906272, value=x \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x092 column=M:FIRST_NAME, timestamp=1551381906272, value=Mary \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x092 column=M:LAST_NAME, timestamp=1551381906272, value=Jane \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x092 column=M:_0, timestamp=1551381906272, value=x2 row(s) in 0.2030 seconds
Created on 03-06-2019 11:15 PM - edited 08-17-2019 04:54 PM
Welcome to Phoenix... where the cardinal rule is if you are going to use Phoenix, then for that table, don't look at it or use it directly from the HBase API. What you are seeing is pretty normal. I don't see your DDL, but I'll give you an example to compare against.
Check out the DDL at and focus on the CORE column which is a BIGINT and the ACTIVE_VISITOR column which is INTEGER. Here's the data that gets loaded into it;
Here's what it looks like via Phoenix...
Here's what it looks like through HBase shell (using the API)...
Notice the CORE and ACTIVE_VISITOR values looking a lot like your example? Yep, welcome to Phoenix.
Remember, use Phoenix only for Phoenix tables and you'll be all right. 🙂 Good luck and happy Hadooping/HBasing!
Created on 03-06-2019 11:15 PM - edited 08-17-2019 04:54 PM
Welcome to Phoenix... where the cardinal rule is if you are going to use Phoenix, then for that table, don't look at it or use it directly from the HBase API. What you are seeing is pretty normal. I don't see your DDL, but I'll give you an example to compare against.
Check out the DDL at and focus on the CORE column which is a BIGINT and the ACTIVE_VISITOR column which is INTEGER. Here's the data that gets loaded into it;
Here's what it looks like via Phoenix...
Here's what it looks like through HBase shell (using the API)...
Notice the CORE and ACTIVE_VISITOR values looking a lot like your example? Yep, welcome to Phoenix.
Remember, use Phoenix only for Phoenix tables and you'll be all right. 🙂 Good luck and happy Hadooping/HBasing!