I'm trying to install Jupyter using these instructions http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-6-x/topics/spark_ipython.html. I've have installed under Anaconda and when I try to run pyspark ( from section
Starting a Notebook with PySpark) I receive the following error:
$ pyspark
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/jupyter", line 4, in <module>
from jupyter_core.command import main
ImportError: No module named jupyter_core.command
Any help is appreciated.
Created 06-10-2016 08:23 AM
Solved. I had to:
$ export PATH= /opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda-4.0.0/bin:$PATH
I had Python installed before installing Anaconda, and it was clashing.
Created 06-10-2016 12:29 PM
Created 06-10-2016 08:23 AM
Solved. I had to:
$ export PATH= /opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda-4.0.0/bin:$PATH
I had Python installed before installing Anaconda, and it was clashing.
Created 03-01-2017 08:26 PM
Created 03-02-2017 04:52 AM
Can you clarify your question? Do you mean regarding jupyter or what the core was from?
Created 06-10-2016 12:29 PM
Created 08-10-2016 04:37 PM
I followed the cloudera installation page for anaconda and jupyter and I had the same problem. This worked for an interactive session. Now I would like to add this to systemd and run this as a service.
cat jupyter-notebook.service
Description=Jupyter notebook
ExecStartPre=export PATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda-4.0.0/bin:$PATH
Here is the status after a start attempt
systemctl status jupyter-notebook -l
● jupyter-notebook.service - Jupyter notebook
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jupyter-notebook.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2016-08-10 16:31:37 PDT; 2s ago
Process: 47560 ExecStart=/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/jupyter (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 47560 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 systemd[1]: Started Jupyter notebook.
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 systemd[1]: Starting Jupyter notebook...
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 python[47560]: detected unhandled Python exception in '/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/jupyter'
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 jupyter[47560]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 jupyter[47560]: File "/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/jupyter", line 4, in <module>
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 jupyter[47560]: from jupyter_core.command import main
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 jupyter[47560]: ImportError: No module named jupyter_core.command
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 systemd[1]: jupyter-notebook.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 systemd[1]: Unit jupyter-notebook.service entered failed state.
Aug 10 16:31:37 socbdmn01 systemd[1]: jupyter-notebook.service failed.