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"Path does not exist" error message received when trying to load data from HDFS
- Labels:
Apache Spark
Apache Zeppelin
Created on ‎12-10-2019 07:09 PM - edited ‎12-10-2019 07:14 PM
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I am running following command in Zeppelin.First created hive context with following code -
val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.Builder().getOrCreate()
then I tried to load a file from HDFS with following code -
val riskFactorDataFrame = spark.read.format("csv").option("header", "true").load("hdfs:///tmp/data/riskfactor1.csv")
but I am getting following error message "org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Path does not exist: hdfs://sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:8020/tmp/data/riskfactor1.csv;"
I am quite new in Hadoop. Please help me figure out what wrong I am doing.
Created ‎12-17-2019 05:48 AM
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Do the following steps
sandbox-hdp login: root
root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com's password:
[root@sandbox-hdp~] mkdir -p /tmp/data
[root@sandbox-hdp~]cd /tmp/data
Now here you should be in /tmp/data to validate that do
copy your riskfactor1.csv to this directory using some tool win Winscp or Mobaxterm see my screenshot using winscp
My question is where is riskfactor1.csv file located? If that's not clear you can upload using the ambari view first navigate to /bindal/data and then select the upload please see attached screenshot to upload the file from your laptop.
After the successful upload, you can run your Zeppelin job and keep me posted
Created ‎12-11-2019 10:50 AM
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Spark expects the riskfactor1.csv file to be in hdfs path /tmp/data/ but to me it seems you have the file riskfactor1.csv on your local filesystem /tmp/data I have run the below from a sandbox
Please follow the below steps to resolve that "Path does not exist" error. Log on the CLI on your sandbox as user root then
Switch user to hdfs
[root@sandbox-hdp ~]# su - hdfs
Check the current hdfs directory
[hdfs@sandbox-hdp ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 13 items
drwxrwxrwt+ - yarn hadoop 0 2019-10-01 18:34 /app-logs
drwxr-xr-x+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2018-11-29 19:01 /apps
drwxr-xr-x+ - yarn hadoop 0 2018-11-29 17:25 /ats
drwxr-xr-x+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2018-11-29 17:26 /atsv2
drwxr-xr-x+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2018-11-29 17:26 /hdp
drwx------+ - livy hdfs 0 2018-11-29 17:55 /livy2-recovery
drwxr-xr-x+ - mapred hdfs 0 2018-11-29 17:26 /mapred
drwxrwxrwx+ - mapred hadoop 0 2018-11-29 17:26 /mr-history
drwxr-xr-x+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2018-11-29 18:54 /ranger
drwxrwxrwx+ - spark hadoop 0 2019-11-24 22:41 /spark2-history
drwxrwxrwx+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2018-11-29 19:01 /tmp
drwxr-xr-x+ - hdfs hdfs 0 2019-09-21 13:32 /user
Create the directory in hdfs usually under /user/xxxx depending on the user but here we are creating a directory /tmp/data and giving an open permission 777 so any user can execute the spark
Create directory in hdfs
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/data/
Change permissions
$ hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /tmp/data/
Now copy the riskfactor1.csv in the local filesystem to hdfs, here I am assuming the file is in /tmp
[hdfs@sandbox-hdp tmp]$ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /tmp/riskfactor1.csv /tmp/data
The above copies the riskfactor1.csv from local temp to hdfs location /tmp/data you can validate by running the below command
[hdfs@sandbox-hdp ]$ hdfs dfs -ls /tmp/data
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdfs hdfs 0 2019-12-11 18:40 /tmp/data/riskfactor1.csv
Now you can run your spark in zeppelin it should succeed.
Please revert !
Created ‎12-15-2019 06:55 PM
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Great thanks for your detailed response. I have added a print screen of Ambari 'File Views'. I want to know whether it is local file system or hdfs file system. However I run commands suggested by you. But when when I tried to run following command "hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /tmp/data/riskfactor1.csv /tmp/data" . I got the message "copyFromLocal: `/tmp/data/riskfactor1.csv': No such file or directory". I am not sure where I am doing something wrong. Thanks again for your help. Eagerly waiting for your response.
Created on ‎12-16-2019 05:53 AM - edited ‎12-16-2019 05:55 AM
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Thanks for sharing the screenshot. I can see from the screenshot your riskfactor and riskfactor1 are directories !! not files
Can you double click on either of them and see the contents.
I have mounted an old HDP 2.6.x for illustration whatever filesystem you see under Ambari view is in HDFS.
Here is the local filesystem
My Ambari view before the creation of the /Bindal/data the equivalent to /tmp/data
I created a directory in hdfs
Make the directory this is the local fine system
Copy the riskfactor1.csv from local file system /tmp/data
Check the copied file in hdfs
So a walk through from the Linux CLI as root user I created a directory in /tmp/data and placed the riskfactor1.csv in there then create a directory in HDFS /Bindal/data/.
I then copied the file from the local Linux boy to HDFS , I hope that explains the difference between local filesystem and hdfs.
Below is again a screenshot to show the difference
Once the file is in HDFS your zeppelin should run successfully, as reiterated in your screenshot you share you need to double click on riskfactor and riskfactor1 which are directory to see if the difference with my screenshots
Created ‎12-16-2019 07:27 PM
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you are awesome. You are trying your best to help me. But I am just the starter, so missing the minute threads.
I followed the steps you have provided. But still the same issue. Pls see the screen shot. I want to gain a pinch of what you have mastered. Thanks.
Created ‎12-17-2019 05:48 AM
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Do the following steps
sandbox-hdp login: root
root@sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com's password:
[root@sandbox-hdp~] mkdir -p /tmp/data
[root@sandbox-hdp~]cd /tmp/data
Now here you should be in /tmp/data to validate that do
copy your riskfactor1.csv to this directory using some tool win Winscp or Mobaxterm see my screenshot using winscp
My question is where is riskfactor1.csv file located? If that's not clear you can upload using the ambari view first navigate to /bindal/data and then select the upload please see attached screenshot to upload the file from your laptop.
After the successful upload, you can run your Zeppelin job and keep me posted
Created ‎12-16-2019 05:06 AM
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