Created 03-23-2018 10:30 AM
Hello Friends,
Please help me on this.
I have set up aws ec2 instance for hdpcd practice exam. Also, I have downloaded vnc viewer.
Now, as per document I am able to start ec2 instance. The region which I have selected is Asia Pacific - Mumbai. I am using public dns name with port 5901. Also, I have disabled my windows firewall.
But when trying to connect from VNC Viewer, it is showing unable to connect error message. Please suggest how to get it through.
Unfortunately, I tried to take help from one of my friend who did this on his own machine.
Even, he is not able to help me out.
Thanking you
Created 03-23-2018 11:29 AM
Did you create a FW rule in you ec2. Console to allow port 5901 to outside world * or limited it to your IP?
Please revert
Created 03-23-2018 11:29 AM
Did you create a FW rule in you ec2. Console to allow port 5901 to outside world * or limited it to your IP?
Please revert
Created 03-23-2018 12:20 PM
Thanks Geoffrey for your response.
Yes, I did that and now the issue is resolved.
It seems, only the EC2 instance of N.Virginia region works fine for hdpcd practice exam. Not sure about the reason.
But when I changed the region from drop down and created a new instance, I was able to connect from VNC Viewer.
I hope that problem will not appear again. If so then I will reach out to you guys.
Thanking you