Created 09-01-2016 06:58 AM
I am trying to use yarn distributed shell. I am executing yarn node -list command to list the nodes present in a 4 node HDP cluster. But it is only listing the node where i am executing the command, not the whole node list.
However, I am able to see all the datanodes and namenodes from Ambari UI.
Created 09-13-2016 10:07 AM
Thanks, checking the log was helpfull. But restarting the Yarn RM resolved the issue.
Created 09-02-2016 01:41 PM
Can you post just the output from /var/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn/yarn-yarn-resourcemanager-<host>.log when you run the command? Also is the ATS (Application Timeline Server) running?
Created 09-13-2016 10:07 AM
Thanks, checking the log was helpfull. But restarting the Yarn RM resolved the issue.