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Master Guru

@Cl0ck You can always use OLD database, this is not am issue. For disabling TLS for admin console from CLI you can use below method.


1. Determine Cloudera Manager Database

cat /etc/cloudera-scm-server/

2. Make database backup

Postgres Backup:
pg_dump scm > scm_db_.backup

3. Connect to database

Postgres Connect:
psql -U scm -h localhost -p 7432 -d postgres
Password for user scm:
postgres=> \l
postgres=> \c scm

4. Show TLS related rows
select * from CONFIGS where attr like '%tls%';

5. Update TLS for web_tls
update CONFIGS set value = 'false' where attr = 'web_tls';

You can generate the key and password as well with same method you did previously. Else please for reference you can use this doc.

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