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3490 | 06-11-2020 02:45 PM | |
5177 | 05-01-2020 12:23 AM | |
3006 | 04-21-2020 03:38 PM | |
3611 | 04-14-2020 12:26 AM | |
2434 | 02-27-2020 05:51 PM |
09:00 PM
Column a.t_date is a string field, not a timestamp field. The two tables are Parquet file format. By adding more nodes into the cluster, more Impala Daemon are running, can we aspect the performance for such query will be improve?
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03:11 AM
In that case, my suggestion is to check for HS2 logs to try to find any queries that takes time to compile. Because HS2 currently can only compile one query at a time, if you have a query that takes a while to compile, it will lock out HS2 and other requests will have to wait. I am not sure if it is the cause, but worth to check the HS2 log. Look for the following example: Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20170227192424_ee0c5216-bef5-456a-934e-212aabe55b75); Time taken: 0.191 seconds and check if any Time taken values are too big around the time when issue happens.
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04:03 PM
You can have differences between the options for the NMs that is not the problem. It could be that the difference in HW used in the NMs requires a different JVM option to be set so it is something that we allow and will also work. However there can not be an empty line in the options. An empty line in the options is passed on to the settings in the script to set the environment etc. That is where it breaks. The empty line breaks the setting into two in the script which should not happen. The empty line(s) should be trimmed before we generate that settings script, which is the jira I filed. Wilfred
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04:47 PM
Hi, Eric. 1. I use IP address in Linux hosts(within or without CDH cluster hosts) is both OK. 2. I try FQDN "cdh-121", where the kerberos principal is "cdh-121@REALM". This works in Linux, fails in Windows. I think the hostnames/IP/DNS both work. The trigger to this issue is still unknown.
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02:18 PM
2 Kudos
Thanks for clarifying, Eric. Although I still think that a separate public/private cloudera-proprietary maven repo would be much more convenient. In the end, these JDBCs end up in (private) maven repos anyway - just takes more hassle. Best, Gin
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09:11 PM
Hi, The JSON class in json-serde-1.3.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar is, not com.cloudera.hive.SERDE.JSONSerDe. So did you mean to use com.cloudera.hive.SERDE.JSONSerDe or Can you give me the output of : jar tf /usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-serdes-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar so that I can confirm the classes in this jar? Thanks
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08:52 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, I can see the images now, but not sure why they did not show up before. I can see that you are trying to run a query that contains: (rel.i_prtitn,rel.i_mod_yr) in (select * from my_prtitn) I would like you know that this is currently not supported, please refer to Hive's Apache documentation below: It mentions the following: IN/NOT IN subqueries may only select a single column If you want to acheive the same goal, you will need to use JOIN with subQuery on those two columns. Hope this helps. Regards Eric
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05:26 AM
Yes, HMS and HS2 have separate files. However, I find it odd that one cluster has the threadname in the log records while the other does not (both CDH5.4.7). The defaults should be exactly the same on both the clusters. Perhaps, you could confirm that you have not overridden the configuration in a safety valve. To add a threadname to the log records for the HMS, Select Hive Service --> Instances --> Hive Metastore Server --> Configuration then type in log4j and look for "Hive Metastore Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)" This is where I would set it to something like this .. log4j.appender.RFA.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t]: %c{2} (%F:%M(%L)) - %m%n or just %d{ISO8601} %p [%t]: %c: %m%n the %t is what adds the thread name to the log records. Hope this helps. Thanks
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10:51 AM
If this is from HUE, hue can execute multiple command in a sequence until it reaches the first query that returns results (like a select query). For example, the following should be executed entirely in a single go. drop table if exists foo; create table if not exists foo (code string, description string, salary int); insert into foo select code, description, salary from sample s where s.salary > 50000 and s.salary < 100000; select * from foo where salary < 75000; The following will stop after the select query, so the drop table will not be executed. drop table if exists foo; create table if not exists foo (code string, description string, salary int); insert into foo select code, description, salary from sample_07 s where s.salary > 50000 and s.salary < 100000; select * from foo where salary < 75000; drop table foo; But if you use beeline to execute a file containing multiple select queries, this should work without pausing.
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