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Title | Views | Posted |
885 | 07-11-2021 08:05 PM | |
1656 | 07-11-2021 06:37 PM | |
39426 | 06-04-2021 12:01 AM | |
1042 | 06-03-2021 11:43 PM | |
3426 | 04-26-2021 06:58 PM |
08:25 PM
1 Kudo
Hello A lot details are provided here to your questions Just to highlight a few points 1. not all components are available for VPC, limited to the following (no Flink) Only the following services can be installed on Compute clusters: Hive Execution Service (This service supplies the HiveServer2 role only.) Hue Kafka Spark 2 Oozie (only when Hue is available, and is a requirement for Hue) YARN HDFS (required) 2. data will be transferred to VPC during runtime, so check the network, performance requirements etc 3. only certain versions of the platform supports VPC, limited to the following: CDH 5.15 CDH 5.16 CDH 6.0 CDH 6.1 CDH 6.2 CDH 6.3 Cloudera Runtime 7.0.3 Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 and higher 4. it is good you need to add temp compute resources to your cluster for some ad-hoc workloads, but it has the trade-off of the performance (refer to point 2) 5. VPC can be fully managed using Cloudera Manager, so it is a fairly easy process to implement
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08:09 PM
Hello You may refer to this thread for the monitoring options for NiFi
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07:42 PM
Hello You can try Kafka Connect Reference:
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07:39 PM
Hello Looks like a permission issue, try below sudo service nifi start
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07:37 PM
Hello a quick fix is to put the csv file under the hive folder instead of the admin folder
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06:13 PM
1 Kudo
Hello Your question maybe related to this one:
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05:36 PM
Hello Make sure you still access to the package in the Cloudera's public repo After Jan 2021, all binaries are behind paywall
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05:29 PM
Hello You can check a few things 1. Your MySQL encoding is UTF-8 2. default_site_encoding in hue.ini is set to UTF-8, if not, re-set and restart HUE
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06:44 PM
1 Kudo
Hello in Hive you may have to create one external table pointing to your text file and JOIN between your source table and the newly created external table
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06:39 PM
1 Kudo
Hello You have the following commands from hive show databases show tables show partitions <dbName>.<tableName>; You can write your script to count, one example, count number of tables hive -e "show databases" >db3.out;cat db3.out | while read line; do hive -e "use $line;show tables" >> tables3.out;done; cat tables3.out | wc -l PS: there maybe some unwanted characters, you may want to do some cleaning up before final count
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