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4352 | 03-10-2017 07:05 AM | |
6194 | 03-07-2017 09:58 AM | |
3736 | 06-30-2016 12:13 PM | |
6067 | 05-20-2016 09:15 AM | |
27944 | 05-17-2016 02:09 PM |
05:30 AM
@Alex Raj Please mark best answer to close the discussion.
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12:52 PM
@Alex Raj You can also create a script using 2 commands
Execute "show tables; " to get all tables For each table execute "desc formatted < database >.< table_name >" . The output contains a field CreateTime. use CreateTime field to find the latest table.
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06:51 AM
I am not sure about Hue but from the terminal it can be fixed by exporting the correct oozie server. Use this command to export the oozie url. export OOZIE_URL=http://someip:11000/oozie To get this oozie url you need to use hue to connect you cluster and navigate to Workflows where you can find a tab called oozie . Inside this you should see gauges where a lot of properties will be listed. Look for the property oozie.servers.
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02:13 PM
2 Kudos
The error is in your first shell action "cutoff_values_table". You've got the letter "z" at the end of the line. <argument>-t</argument>z
Remove it and the XML validates. As an aside, if you want, you can make your workflow a bit smaller by reducing the number of <argument> tags. The contents of <argument> tags are space-delimited in the order that they are declared, so you could turn <argument>-c</argument>
<argument>${value}</argument> into <argument>-c ${value}</argument>
for example.
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05:29 AM
2 Kudos
These are some decks comparing spark-sql,hive on tez and hive on spark. hive on spark (HIVE-7292) is still in beta phase, with earliar version of spark we have hiveContext object to query hive tables but starting with spark-1.4 you can query hive tables using sqlContext object.
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06:33 PM
In the installed Zeppelin setup on HDP 2.4 it's available. Just run your queries %sql select * from hivetable %hive select * from hivetable You should be able to connect the Hive interpreter standard way.
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01:17 PM
@Alex Raj Sorry, I don't see any workaround therefore you probably need to upgrade the hive version to 1.2.
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06:35 PM
2 Kudos
You can find it from boht way thorugh Hadoop commands and Curl command 1) hdfs dfsamdin -report 2) Hadoop fsck / 3) curl -u username -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET http://cluster-hostname:8080/api/v1/clusters/clustername/services/HDFS
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06:22 PM
1 Kudo
Here is the detailed doc
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04:48 AM
Finally I fixed it. Thanks @Emil. The command was right but I was using the wrong IP address. I was using HUE's ip as clusterB ip. I replaced it with the namenode ip and it has worked.
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