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Title | Views | Posted |
1543 | 07-09-2019 12:53 AM | |
9300 | 06-23-2019 08:37 PM | |
8052 | 06-18-2019 11:28 PM | |
8678 | 05-23-2019 08:46 PM | |
3477 | 05-20-2019 01:14 AM |
09:33 PM
This may be a very basic question but I ask because it is unclear from the data you've posted: Have you accounted for replication? 50 GiB of HDFS file lengths summed up (hdfs dfs -du values) with 3x replication would be ~150 GiB of actual used space on the physical storage. The /dfs/dn is where the file block replicas are stored. Nothing unnecessary is retained in HDFS, however a common overlooked item is older snapshots retaining data blocks that are no longer necessary. Deleting such snapshots frees up the occupied space based on HDFS files deleted after the snapshot was made. If you're unable to grow your cluster, but need to store more data, then you may sacrifice availability of data by lowering your default replication to 2x or 1x (via dfs.replication config for new data writes, and hdfs dfs -setrep n for existing data).
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01:42 AM
Thank you very much @Harsh J! If I got it correctly these parameters control the maximum amount of memory allocated for the Oozie launcher. What are the equivalent parameters to control the memory allocated for the action instead (e.g. a Sqoop action), as shown in the image?
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11:34 PM
1 Kudo
Check your input file, if it seperated by other than ',' value, Please use --input-fields-terminated-by <char>. It will work. Let me know, incase, you have still issue. Thanks, Shashi
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08:52 AM
2 Kudos
Your port for broker is incorrect in that command, you're supplying the ZooKeeper port of 2181 in an argument that requires the Broker client port of 9092. Follow our guide at for using the command line tools.
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04:05 AM
Hi @Harsh J You mentioning the Safe Valve gave me an idea! I thought maybe the UI in CM is not setting one or both of those key/values. So I did this manually and it worked! Now every container asked by Spark Pipe() has the same owner as the Spark application itself (no more nobody or yarn! - there must be something with the UI that won't map one of those two configs back to yarn-site.xml):
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04:48 PM
Have you found any way to run YARN container as the user who'is launched it? I also have set these two and have all the nodes sync with LDAP, still runs as nobody despite the fact I can see it says the yarn user request is ...
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05:39 AM
Hi, I am facing same error or problem, what was that property you mis-spelled or wrote incorrectly ? Please mention. Maoj
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05:41 PM
@Harsh J is there a way to avoid giving the column names manually... beacuse I have 150 columns per table and more than 200 tables which is a huge number.
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07:46 AM
@Harsh J A couple of more questions: http://<rm http address:port>/ws/v1/cluster/apps?queue=root.queue1 filter by queue in resource manager rest interface only showing 'running' applications only, is there any way to show finsihed applications? eve mentioning 'states=running,finished' it still showing only running applications. We are using Cloudera 5.14. Is it possible to upgrade from CDH 5.14 to CDH 6.0 with out complete reinstall?, we are using parcels.
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06:43 PM
Thank you so munch! I change the group of '/tmp/logs' to hadoop , and restart the JobHistoryServer role, everything being OK. So happy !
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