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06:58 PM
1 Kudo
@n c its because that TBLPROPERTIES should the last one, use the below and it should help: +++++++++++++++++ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE staging3 ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serd2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION '/tmp/staging' TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs:///tmp/avroschemas/testtbl.json'); +++++++++++++++++
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03:42 PM
@Carol Elliott, I think the issue is related to the jt400.jar which is launching java awt windows to lauch a pop-up for login. I don't this this would work for you in this case. As you are connecting to DB2, I would suggest to use DB2 JDBC driver for ISeries, specifically these two jars: Type 4 JDBC driver: db2jcc4.jar and a license file: db2jcc_license_*xxx* .jar. IBM article link which talks about the same:
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11:54 PM
@Carol Elliott May be you can try using this option to see if this works: f you're on the main display, then export DISPLAY=:0.0 or if you're using csh or tcsh setenv DISPLAY :0.0
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09:26 PM
@sai harshavardhan The value that you are receiving is as expected, this sample java code show the info. If you are wanting to get the exact value as an output, you should convert that value to string. import java.lang.*; public class DoubleDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double d = 12345678910.231; System.out.println("Value of d = " + d); } }
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07:00 PM
@bsaini Hive always takes timezone into consideration. May be what you want to try is to set that field as String which will retain the same value.
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10:24 PM
@Shashant Panwar Here is the link which talks about the HDFS quota. -Mahesh
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09:36 PM
@Shashant Panwar I dont understand the usecase of limiting a database to use a X percent. Lets assume you have a table which needs more than 25% of the disk space then you wont be able to do anything unless you delete and free up the space on that DB to allow data into the table. Also one cannot set limitation at Hive level to state how much space a database can use. It needs to be set at HDFS user level quota. -Mahesh
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06:50 PM
The reason this exception comes because that the Pig needs a local Tez client, if its not available then this exception is thrown even though the tez.lib.uris is present and the hdfs has the tez.tar.gz under correct hdp release.
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07:35 PM
@Sonny Heer Can you do this to see if the table does exist in hive. hive -e 'use mydb; show tables;' and see if this lists the table test1. If not then this would state why you are seeing the exception.
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07:26 PM
@suresh krish Yes, you will not be able to set this at runtime unless you have included that in the whitelist until this is done and you have restarted hive service along with HiveServer2 this would not take effect.
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