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631 | 07-31-2024 11:57 AM | |
1895 | 03-27-2019 04:52 AM | |
7240 | 11-21-2018 10:21 PM | |
13890 | 09-14-2016 07:35 PM | |
11729 | 07-01-2016 06:56 PM |
11:57 AM
This is currently not supported. I would recommend you to raise a git issue (enhancement or feature) for this and add in the usecase and other details there so the team would review and take it forward.
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09:37 AM
The root cause of this is PEP 3151, introduced in Python 3.3: PEP 3151 – Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy Python 3.3 release notes You can overcome this issue with the following changes in the file /usr/lib64/python2.7/test/ From: def _is_ipv6_enabled():
"""Check whether IPv6 is enabled on this host."""
if socket.has_ipv6:
sock = None
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind((HOSTv6, 0))
return True
except OSError:
if sock:
return False To: def _is_ipv6_enabled():
"""Check whether IPv6 is enabled on this host."""
if socket.has_ipv6:
sock = None
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind((HOSTv6, 0))
return True
except socket.error if sys.version_info < (3, 3) else OSError: ---> this is how it should be
if sock:
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04:52 AM
1 Kudo
@Artur Brandys, Just saw this question not sure if you have already found the answer or not. No, you cannot have a different database for users as these are internal to Hue's django and how it works with the tables by taking the information from Hue.ini.
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07:55 PM
1 Kudo
@Dinesh Chitlangia On the host where you are seeing the issue, try removing the rpm's of oozie using yum remove oozie_2_6_* and then try reinstalling it from the command line using the command yum install oozie_2_6_*
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10:21 PM
2 Kudos
@Arindam Choudhury , You can use the below link which talks about creating a file called beeline-hs2-connection.xml and providing the credentials information there.
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06:57 PM
Hi @arjun more Maybe that the below jars are not there for the yarn containers for it to make use of when hive launches the job. You can try adding in these jars with 'add jar <path_to_jar>/jarfilename.jar; and see if this helps.
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12:00 AM
@Mahendiran Palani Samy You want to check the mapreduce min split and max split size. From the message it seems like the min split size is larger than the max split size.
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12:40 PM
@Thomas Bazzucchi, I just did a quick test and can see that the sqoop does pick up the datetime correctly, 18/03/20 23:36:29 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column create_time of type DATETIME 18/03/20 23:36:29 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column update_time of type DATETIME 18/03/20 23:36:29 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column added_by_id of type BIGINT 18/03/20 23:36:29 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column upd_by_id of type BIGINT Can you enable verbose on the sqoop command which can provide some lead on this, apart from this if you can share the ddl along with some sample data that would also help in getting where the issue would lie. Also out of curiosity, have you tried using --map-column-java fieldname=TIMESTAMP like this?
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11:05 PM
@Roger Sliva, Yes that's another way of getting it done.
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07:06 PM
1 Kudo
Since Hive client is removed, using hive-import, hive-create-table and things like that will wait for credentials to be entered. if using sqoop CLI and not via oozie, then supply the hive credentials just as you do via beeline and this would do the needful.. If this is not acceptable then you would need to change the sqoop syntax to use hcatalog options to achieve the same.
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