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01:14 PM
@mclark Great suggestion, thanks! Will definitely take a look at incorporating invokeHTTP.
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12:39 PM
@AnjiReddy Anumolu Just to add a little more detail to the above response from @zblanco. When NiFi ingest data, that data is turned in to NiFi FlowFiles. A NiFi FlowFile consists of Attributes (Metadata) about the actual data and the physical data. The FlowFile metadata is stored in the FlowFile repository as well as JVM heap memory for faster performance. The FlowFile Attributes includes things like filename, ingest time, lineage age, filesize, what connection the FlowFile currently resides in dataflow, any user defined metadata, or processor added metadata, etc....). The physical bytes that make up the actual data content is written to claims within the NiFi content repository. A claim can contain the bytes for 1 to many ingest data files. For more info on the content repository and how claims work, see the following link: Thanks, Matt
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08:55 PM
@mclark Hi Matt, I really appreciate your replies. This is great idea for you to create: "How to setup my first non-secured NiFi cluster.".
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01:21 PM
@vlundberg This has nothing to do with being installed via Ambari. If the core-site.xml file that is being used by the HDFS processor in NiFi reference a Class which NiFi does not include, you will get a NoClassDef found error. Adding new Class to NiFi's HDFS NAR bundle may be a possibility, but as I am not a developer i can't speak to that. You can always file an Apache Jira against NiFi for this change. Thanks, Matt
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09:28 PM
4 Kudos
Setting up Hortonworks Dataflow (HDF) to work with kerberized Kafka in Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) HDF 1.2 does not contain the same Kafka client libraries as the Apache NiFi version. HDF Kafka libraries are specifically designed to work with the Kafka versions supplied with HDP. The following Kafka support matrix breaks down what is supported in each Kafka version: *** (Apache) refers to the Kafka version downloadable from the Apache website. For newer versions of HDF (1.1.2+), NiFi uses
zookeeper to maintain cluster wide state. So the following only applies if this
is a HDF NiFi cluster: 1. If a NiFi cluster has been setup to use a
kerberized external or internal zookeeper for state, every kerberized
connection to any other zookeeper would require using the same keytab and
principal. For example a kerberized embedded zookeeper in NiFi would need
to be configured to use the same client keytab and principal you want to use to
authenticate with a say a Kafka zookeeper. 2. If a NiFi cluster has been setup to use a
non-kerberized zookeeper for state, it cannot then talk to any other zookeeper
that does use kerberos. 3. If a NiFi cluster has been setup to use a kerberized
zookeeper for state, it cannot then communicate with any other non-kerberized
zookeeper. With that being said,
the PutKafka and GetKafka processors do not have properties like the HDFS
processors for keytab and principal. The keytab and principal would be
defined in the same jaas file used if you setup HDF cluster state management.
So before even trying to connect to kerberized Kafka, we need to get NiFi
state management configured to use either an embedded or external kerberized
zookeeper for state. Even if you are not clustered right now, you need to take
the above in to consideration if you plan on upgrading to being a cluster
later: —————————————— NiFi Cluster Kerberized State Management: Lets assume
you followed the above linked procedure to setup your NiFi cluster to create an
embedded zookeeper. At the end of the above procedure you will have made
the following config changes on each of your NiFi Nodes: 1. Created a zookeeper-jaas.conf file On nodes with embedded zookeeper, it will contain
something like this: Server
required useKeyTab=true
keyTab="./conf/zookeeper-server.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="zookeeper/"; }; Client
required useKeyTab=true keyTab="./conf/nifi.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM"; }; On Nodes without embedded zookeeper, it will look
something like this: Client
required useKeyTab=true keyTab="./conf/nifi.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM"; };
2. Added a config line to the NiFi
bootstrap.conf file:<path>/zookeeper-jaas.conf
*** the arg number (15 in this case) must
be unused by any other java.arg line in the bootstrap.conf file 3. Added 3 additional properties to the bottom of
the file you have configured per the linked procedure
above: authProvider.1=org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.SASLAuthenticationProvider jaasLoginRenew=3600000 requireClientAuthScheme=sasl
————————————— Scenario 1 : Kerberized
Kafka setup for NiFI Cluster: So for scenario one, we will assume you are
running on a NiFi cluster that has been setup per the above to use a kerberized
zookeeper for NiFi state management. Now that you have that setup, you have the
foundation in place to add support for connecting to kerberized Kafka brokers
and Kafka zookeepers. The PutKafka processor connects to the
Kafka broker and the GetKafka processor connects to the Kafka zookeepers.
In order to connect to via Kerberos, we will need to do the following: 1. Modify
the zookeeper-jaas.conf file we created when you setup the kerberized state
management stuff above: You will need to add a new section to the
zookeeper-jass.conf file for the Kafka client: If your NiFi node is running an embedded
zookeeper node, your zookeeper-jaas.comf file will contain: Server
required useKeyTab=true
keyTab="./conf/zookeeper-server.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="zookeeper/"; }; Client
required useKeyTab=true keyTab="./conf/nifi.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM”; }; KafkaClient
{ required
principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM"; };
*** What is important to note here is that both
the “KafkaClient" and “Client" (used for both embedded zookeeper and
Kafka zookeeper) use the same principal and key tab *** *** The principal and key tab for the “Server”
(Used by the embedded NiFi zookeeper) do not need to be the same used by the
“KafkaClient" and “Client” *** If your NiFi cluster node is not running an
embedded zookeeper node, your zookeeper-jaas.comf file will contain: Client
required useKeyTab=true keyTab="./conf/nifi.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM”; }; KafkaClient
{ required
principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM"; };
*** What is important to note here is that
both the KafkaClient and the Client (used for both embedded zookeeper and Kafka
zookeeper) use the same principal and key tab *** 2. Add
additional property to the PutKafka and GetKafka processors: Now all the pieces are in place and we can start
our NiFi(s) and add/modify the PutKafka and GetKafka processors. You will need to add one new property by using
the on each putKafka and getKafka
processors “Properties tab: You will use this same security.protocol
(PLAINTEXTSASL) when intereacting with HDP Kafka versions 0.8.2 and 0.9.0. ———————————— Scenario 2 : Kerberized
Kafka setup for Standalone NiFi instance: For scenario two, a standalone NiFi does not use
zookeeper for state management. So rather then modifying and existing jaas.conf
file, we will need to create one from scratch. The PutKafka processor connects to the
Kafka broker and the GetKafka processor connects to the Kafka zookeepers.
In order to connect to via Kerberos, we will need to do the following: 1. You
will need to create a jaas.conf file somewhere on the server running your NiFi
instance. This file can be named whatever you want, but to avoid
confusion later should you turn your standlone NiFi deployment in to a NiFi
cluster deployment, I recommend continuing to name the file
zookeeper-jaas.conf. You will need to add the following lines to this
zookeeper-jass.conf file that will be used to talk to communicate with the
Kerberized Kafka brokers and Kerberized Kafka zookeeper(s) : Client
required useKeyTab=true keyTab="./conf/nifi.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM”; }; KafkaClient
{ required
principal="nifi@EXAMPLE.COM"; };
*** What is important to note here is that
both the KafkaClient and Client configs use the same principal and key tab *** 2. Added a config line
to the NiFi bootstrap.conf file:<path>/zookeeper-jaas.conf
*** the arg number (15 in this case) must
be unused by any other java.arg line in the bootstrap.conf file 3. Add
additional property to the PutKafka and GetKafka processors: Now all the pieces are in place and we can start
our NiFi(s) and add/modify the PutKafka and GetKafka processors. You will need to add one new property by using
the on each putKafka and getKafka
processors “Properties tab: You will use this same security.protocol
(PLAINTEXTSASL) when interacting with HDP Kafka versions 0.8.2 and 0.9.0. ———————————————————— That should be all you need to get setup and
going…. Let me fill you in on a few configuration
recommendations for your PutKafka and getKafka processors to achieve better
PutKafka: 1. Ignore for now what the documentation says for
the Batch Size property on the PutKafka processor. It is really a measure
of bytes, so jack that baby up from the default 200 to some much larger value. 2. Kafka can be configured to accept larger files
but is much more efficient working with smaller files. The default max
messages size accepted by Kafka is 1 MB, so try to keep the individual messages
smaller then that. Set the Max Record Size property to the max size a
message can be, as configured on your Kafka. Changing this value will not
change what your Kafka can accept, but will prevent NiFi from trying to send
something to big. 3. The Max Buffer Size property should be set to a
value large enough to accommodate the FlowFiles it is being fed. A single
NiFi FlowFile can contain many individual messages and the Message Delimiter
property can be used to split that large FlowFile content into is smaller
messages. The Delimiter could be new line or even a specific string of
characters to denote where one message ends and another begins. 4. Leave the run schedule at 0 sec and you may even
want to give the PutKafka an extra thread (Concurrent tasks)
GetKafka: 1. The Batch Size property on the GetKafka processor
is correct in the documentation and does refer to the number of messages to
batch together when pulled from a Kafka topic. The messages will end up
in a single outputted FlowFile and the configured Message Demarcator (default
new line) will be used to separate messages. 2. When pulling data from a Kafka topic that has
been configured to allow messages larger than 1 MB, you must add an additional
property to the GetKafka processor so it will pull those larger messages (the
processor itself defaults to 1 MB). Add fetch.message.max.bytes and
configure it to match the max allowed message size set on Kafka for the topic. 3. When using the GetKafka processor on a Standalone
instance of NiFi, the number of concurrent tasks should match the number of
partitions on the Kafka topic. This is not the case (dispite what the bulletin
tell you when it is started) when the GetKafka processor is running on a NIFi
cluster. Lets say you have 3 node NiFi cluster. Each Node in
the cluster will pull from a different partition at the same time. So if the
topic only has 3 partitions you will want to leave concurrent tasks at 1
(indicates 1 thread per NiFi node). If the topic has 6 partitions, set
concurrent tasks to 2. Let say the topic has 4 partitions, I would still
use one concurrent task. NiFi will still pull from all partitions, the
addition partition will be included in a Round Robin fashion. If you were
to set the same number of concurrent tasks as partitions in a NiFi cluster, you
will end up with only one Node pulling from every partition while your other
nodes sit idle. 4. Set your run schedule 500 ms to reduce excessive
CPU utilization.
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12:17 PM
@Alex Coast The 5 minute retention of Bulletins is a hard coded value that cannot be edited by the end user. It is normal to see the occasional bulletin from some NiFi processors. For example a failed putSFTP because of filename conflict or network issues, but on retry it is successful. A continuous problem would result in non stop bulletins being produced which would be easily noticed. - Take a look at my response further up on using the "SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask" if you are looking to retain bulletins info longer, manipulate, route, store that somewhere, etc.. - Thank you, Matt - If you found this answer addressed your question, please take a moment to login in and click the "ACCEPT" link.
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10:13 PM
The NCM in a NiFi cluster typically needs more heap memory. The number of components (processors, input ports, output ports and relationships) x the number of nodes in the NiFi cluster on the graph will drive how much memory your NCM will need. For ~300 - 400 components and 3 - 4 node cluster, the NCM seems pretty good with 8GB of heap. If you encounter heap issue still, you would need to increase the heap size and/or reduce the stat buffer size and/or frequency in the files (NCM and Nodes). nifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size=360 (defaults is 1440) nifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency=5 min (default is 1) This information is accurate as of NiFi 0.5.1 and HDF 1.1.2.
... View more
07:33 PM
1 Kudo
for you scenario with 12 disks (assuming all disk are 200 GB)
You can specify/define multiple Content repos and multiple Provenance repos; however, you can only define one FlowFile repository and one database repository.
- 8 disks for Content repos:
- /cont_repo1 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo2 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo3 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo4 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo5 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo6 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo7 <-- 200 GB
- /cont_repo8 <-- 200 GB
- 2 disks for Provenance repos:
- /prov_repo1 <-- 200 GB
- /prov_repo2 <-- 200 GB
- 1 disk split into multiple partitions for:
- /var/log/nifi-logs/ <-- 100 GB
OS partitions <-- split amongst other Standard OS (/tmp, /, etc...)
- 1 disk split into multiple partitions for:
- /opt/nifi <-- 50 GB
- /flowfile_repo/ <-- 50 GB
- /database_repo/ <-- 25 GB
- /opt/configuration-resources <-- 25 GB (this will hold any certs, config files, extras your NiFi processors/ dataflows may need).
... View more
05:00 AM
Hi, Can i know how you will write Nifi expression language for 5 fields of json that values coming from another processor.Suppose i have 40 fields in json and 25 having values but 15 fields does not have values/empty fields to it. But i will get the values for 15 fields from another processor and i want to append the values to the 15 empty fields of current json content. Please can you tell me the procedure to do it. sample json file {
"index": 1, "index_start_at": 56, "integer": 31, "float": 11.8891, "name": "Kyle", "surname": "Ritchie",
"fullname": "Maria Kelley",
"email": "",
"bool": ""
}, where email and bool fields are emptry/null , i want to add values from another processor. How we achive it ..any steps and screenshots would be great .
... View more
01:51 PM
9 Kudos
**** This article only pertains to HDF 1.x or Apache NiFi 0.x baseline versions. HDF 2.x+ and Apache NiFi 1.x went through a major infrastructure change in the NiFi core. Converting a Standalone NiFi instance
into a NiFi Cluster The purpose
of this article is to cover the process of taking standalone NiFi instance and
converting it into a NiFi cluster. Often times as a NiFi user we start simple
by creating a new dataflow on a single installed instance of NiFi. We may find ourselves doing this to save on
resources during the build and test phase or because at the time a single
server or VM provide all the resources required. Later we want to add in the fault tolerance
that a NiFi cluster provides or resources become constrained as our dataflow
grows requiring additional resources that a NiFi cluster also provides. It is possible to take all that work done on
that single Instance and convert it for use in NiFi Cluster. Your single NiFi
instance could easily become one of the attached Nodes to that cluster as well. The “work”
I am referring to would be the actual dataflow design you implemented on the
NiFi graph/canvas, any controller-services or reporting tasks you created, and
all the templates you created. There are
some additional considerations that will also be covered in this article that
deal with file/resource dependencies of your NiFi installation. This article
will not cover how to setup either NiFi Nodes or the NiFi Cluster Manger (NCM).
It will simply explain what steps need to be done to prepare these items for
installation in to a NiFi cluster you have already setup but have not started
yet. The biggest
difference between a NCM and node or standalone instance is where each stores
its flow.xml and templates. Both
standalone instances and cluster nodes rely on a flow.xml.gz file and a
templates directory. The NCM on the
other hand relies only on a flow.tar file.
Since the NCM is the manager of the NiFi cluster, it will need to have
its flow.tar created before it can be started or you will end up starting up
with nothing on your graph/canvas. The flow.xml.gz file: Your
existing standalone NiFi instance will have a flow.xml.gz file located in the
conf directory (default configuration) of your NiFi software installation. If
it is not found there, you can verify the location it was changed to by looking
in the file. This file is by far the most important file in
your NiFi instance. The flow.xml.gz file will include everything that you have
configured/added to the NiFi graph/canvas.
It will also include any and all of your configured controller-services
and reporting-tasks created for your NiFi. The flow.xml.gz file is nothing more
then a compressed xml file. The NCM of
your NiFi cluster does not use a flow.xml.gz file but rather relies on the
existence of a flow.tar file. So you
can’t just copy the flow.xml.gz file from your standalone instance into the
conf directory of your NCM and have everything work. The flow.tar consists of several files: The good news is while we do need
to create the flow.tar, we do not need to create all of the files that go inside
of it. NiFi will create the missing
pieces for you. All we need to do is get your flow.xml inside a tar named
flow.tar. You can so this by following
the below procedure: 1.Get a copy of your flow.xml.gz file from your
standalone instance. 2.Uncompress it using the gunzip command:
gunzip flow.xml.gz 3.Tar it up using the tar command:
tar –cvf flow.tar flow.xml Now you have your flow.tar needed
for your NiFi cluster NCM. What about any templates I created
on my standalone instance? How do I get
them loaded in to my NCMs flow.tar file? The TEMPLATES
directory: If you
created templates on your standalone instance, you will need to import those it
to your cluster after it is running and has at least one connected node. If you
do not have any templates, this section of the guide can be skipped. On your
standalone NiFi instance there is a templates directory located inside the conf
directory (default configuration). It will contain an xml file ending with
.template for every template you created.
These files cannot be just placed inside the flow.tar file like we
did with the flow.xml. The templates.xml
file inside the flow.tar is not actually xml but rather a binary file. You can
either use a custom java jar to create that binary templates.xml file or you
can import these manually later after your cluster is up and running. So make
sure you save off a copy of your templates directory since you will need it no
matter which path you choose. Option 1: (Use custom java code to create binary
templates.xml file) Copy the
attached java jar file (templates.jar.tar.gz) to the system containing the saved off
templates directory from your standalone instance. Unpack the file using the command: tar -xvzf templatejar.tar.gz
Run the following command to create the
templates.xml file:
java -cp template.jar combine <path to templates
dir>/* * note the star, it needs a list of
files, not just a directory.
** It will create a templates.xml file in the
current directory Take the templates.xml file created and add it
to the flow.tar file you already created using the following command:
tar –rvf flow.tar templates.xml Place this flow.tar file in the conf directory
of your NCM instance. Option 2: (Manually add
templates after Cluster is running) Once you
have your NiFi cluster up and running, you can import each template from the
saved off templates directory just like you would import any other template
shared with you. Click on the templates icon in the upper right corner of the UI. Select the button in the upper right. Select one of the xxxx.template files you saved
off. Select the button to import the file. The file will be put inside the flow.tar and
placed in the templates directory on each of your nodes Repeat steps 2 – 4 for every, template file. What about
the controller-services and reporting-tasks I created on my standalone
instance? Controller-services and Reporting-tasks At the
beginning I mentioned how your flow.xml.gz file contained any controller
services and/or reporting tasks you may have created through the UI. Then a little later I show you that the
flow.tar has separate controller-services.xml and reporting-tasks.xml files in
it. The flow.xml used to create your
flow.tar still has this information; in fact that is where it still needs to
be. These two xml files in the flow.tar
are where any controller services or reporting tasks you create in the UI for
the “Cluster Manager” specifically will be kept. All the reporting tasks and controller
service in the flow.xml will run on every node in your cluster. There may
be controller services that you originally created on your standalone instance
that make better sense running in the NCM now that you are clustered. You can
create new “Cluster Manager” controller services and delete the “node” controller services after your NiFi
cluster is running. The following
controller services should be run on the “Cluster Manager”: -DistributedMapCacheServer -DistributedSetCacheServer There are also controller services
that may need to run on both nodes and your NCM. The following is a good
example: -StandardSSLContextService Some other controller services that run on the
NCM may need this service to function if they are configured to run securely
using SSL. Bottom line here is nothing needs
to be done before your NiFi cluster is started with regards to either
controller services or reporting tasks. Now for the good news… How
does my existing standalone instance differ from a node in my new NiFi cluster? Standalone NiFi versus Cluster
Node You now
have everything needed to get your NCM up running with the templates and flow
from your standalone NiFi. What do I do
with my standalone instance now?
Structurally, there is no difference between a standalone NiFi instance
and a NiFi Node. A Standalone instance
can easily become just another node in your cluster by configuring the
clustering properties at the bottom of its file and restarting
it. In fact we could just use this
standalone instance to replicate as many nodes as you want. There are a
few things that you need to remember when doing this. Some will apply no matter
what while others depend on your specific configuration: The things that always matter: Every node must have it own copy of every file
declared in any processor, controller-service or reporting task.
example some processors like MergeContent allow you to configure a Demarcation file
located somewhere on your system. That file would need to exist in the same
directory location on every Node. Every Node must have its file
updated so that the following properties are populated with unique values for
each node: or (if
secure) Every Node must have the same value as the NCM
for the following property:
nifi.sensitive.props.key= *** This value must match what was used on your standalone instance when
the flow was created. This value was used to encrypt all passwords in your
processors. NiFi will not start if it cannot decrypt those passwords. If the NCM exists on the same system as one of
your Nodes (common practice since NCM is a light weight NiFi instance)
NCM and Node on same machine cannot share any
ports numbers. They must be unique in the files. The things that might matter: If your
NiFi is configure to run securely (https) or you are using the
StandardSSLContextService, there are some additional considerations since the
same identical dataflow runs on every node. SSL based controller services: Every
server/VM used for a NiFi cluster is typically assigned its own server
certificate that is used for SSL authentication. We have to understand that in a cluster every
Node is running the exact same dataflows and controller services. So for example if you have a
StandardSSLContextService configure to use a keystore located at /opt/nifi/certs/server1.jks with password
ABC, every Node will expect to find a server1.jks file in the same place on
each server and that the password is ABC.
Since each system gets a unique certificate, how do we work around this
issue? We cannot work around the
password issue, so every certificate and keystore must be created using the
same password. However, every key can be unique. We can create a symbolic link that maps a
generic keystore name to the actual keystore on each system System1: keystore.jks à
/opt/nifi/certs/server1.jks System2: keystore.jks à
/opt/nifi/certs/server2.jks And so on…. We can now
configure our StandardSSLContextService to use keystore.jks and the matching
password that every keystore/certificate was created with.
Modify security settings in each nodes file. The file on every node will need to have the keystore and
truststore properties modified to point to the particular nodes keystores and
truststores. In addition the
authority provider will need to be changed. In a standalone NiFi instance the authority
provider specified by the property
is set to file-provider. In a secure cluster, the NCM should be set to
while each of the nodes should have it set to cluster-node-provider. Making these changes will also require
modifying the associated authority-providers.xml file. Modify the authority-providers.xml file: The
Authority-providers.xml file is where you configure both the
cluster-ncm-provider and the cluster-node-provider. There will already be commented out sections
in this fie for both. The cluster-ncm-provider will need to be configured to
bind to port and told where to find your authorized-users.xml file (this file
should have been copied from your standalone instance). The
cluster-node-provider simply needs to be configured with the same port number
used for the ncm provider above. Summary: The above
process may sound very involved, but it really isn’t that bad. We can sum up
these steps in the following high-level checklist: The conversion checklist:
Save off all the templates you may have created
on your standalone instance. Create flow.tar using flow.xml.gz from your standalone
instance. If you have templates, use provided
templates.jar to convert them for inclusion in the above flow.tar file Configured NCM and all Nodes
file security properties section with
same value for nifi.sensitive.props.key, unique
keystores, and proper All processors, controller-services, and
reporting-tasks file dependencies exist in same directory paths on every Node. Use symbolic links so that all keystores/truststores
have identical filenames on every node. (If using SSL enabled controller-services
or processors) Use same keystore/truststore passwords on every
Node. (If using SSL enabled controller-services or processors) After the cluster is running, import each of the
saved off templates (only necessary if you did not use templates.jar to create
templates.xml file)
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