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8536 | 02-17-2017 12:38 PM | |
1372 | 11-15-2016 03:56 PM | |
1918 | 11-11-2016 05:27 PM | |
15661 | 11-11-2016 12:16 AM | |
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05:34 PM
1 Kudo
@Ned Shawa I got access to the Zeppelin Hub today, can I use the zeppelin part of the HDP 2.3.2 sandbox or do i need to install from apache zeppelin github?
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03:09 PM
@Guilherme Braccialli thanks for trying this. I am just starting with my Spark journey, but it seems that any time I try to do in zeppelin or jyputer i keep hitting different issues, I guess I should just stick with CLI for now. I will give demo's in zeppelin @ customer sites but will know the limitations of the product for now.
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01:42 PM
@Ali Bajwa @Neeraj have u encountered this issue with Pyspark and zeppelin?
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04:09 AM
1 Kudo
You have to switch master to "yarn-client" . I believe you will also need to have HADOOP_CONF_DIR and YARN_CONF_DIR and probably make a copy of those configs from sandbox to a directory that is on your classpath in eclipse. Sorry I have not done it personally
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03:46 AM
1 Kudo
If I execute this code from zeppelin: %pyspark base_rdd = sc.textFile("/tmp/philadelphia-crime-data-2015-ytd.csv")
base_rdd.take(10) I am not getting any results back, if U execute from pyspark CLI same code i get valid data. Note: I am running pyspark in local mode in CLI, not in Yarn mode. Zeppelin is not returning any errors, and no errors in log files. I am using HDP 2.3.2 sandbox. Same code works using scala works in zeppelin and in cli Looks like a bug in zeppelin with pyspark?
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- Labels:
Apache Zeppelin
03:11 AM
@Guilherme Braccialli Hopefully that JIRA will be fixed soon. Did you register the custom jar in the local maven of your sandbox? And that still did not work?
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12:14 AM
That worked! Thanks @Ali Bajwa
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09:44 PM
Awesome! Will check it out. Another question, i had problems with zeppelin registering a custom jar, i had to use a maven dependency, could not load it using the path. It works fine using CLI and passing --jars path-to-your-hive-udf.jar argument. Curious if u tried it in zeppelin?
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09:36 PM
@Guilherme Braccialli thanks for the write up. Would love to see a sample implementation of the actual UDF. A basic shell of creating a scala project for the udf.
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08:41 PM
I am trying to add Jupyter service, but the knox tab is forcing to input the master secret, but the field is greyed out and readonly. Anyone ran into this issue also?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari