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4358 | 02-10-2017 09:20 PM | |
5013 | 08-09-2016 01:05 PM |
04:43 PM
1 Kudo
There is a similar issue here Please try the recommended suggestion in that post and update the post if it worked or not.
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01:05 PM
1 Kudo ... ACID transactions shouldn't impact analytical queries while inserts are happening. A read can take a version and a write can put a new version of the data without waiting on locks. But this adds overhead of reading the delta files when you read the main ORCFile. As delta files accumulate you'll need to compact/consolidate the edits which will use cluster resources. The impact depends on the number of updates. Hive ACID should be used for low concurrency 50 or fewer concurrent users. In general, I recommend using Hive best practices for Hive query performance -
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03:38 PM
Hi Roberto, Glad the article was helpful! In reply to your questions: 1. Correct, the HDP version is not listed on the Azure Marketplace website. It's certainly something will consider. I believe we were trying to reduce the burden on the Microsoft site admins to constantly manage version/link/documentation links. The HDP Azure Marketplace version should match the release cadence of HDP. And after you deploy HDP you can always check the HDP version in Ambari by going to Admin --> Stacks and Versions --> Version. The latest documentation and HDP releases notes are always here. 2. The Azure Marketplace deployment is great for non-elastic clusters and to start running a pilot use case. If ease of elasticity is a core requirement, take a look at Azure HDInsight to spin up more nodes on demand automatically. Not all the HDP services are on HDInsights but it may be a great option for your pilot. Thanks, Ameet
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03:26 PM
1 Kudo
I've received a couple of "how to" questions after folks successfully deploy the Hortonworks Data Platform Standard on Microsoft's Azure. I've collected my responses here as a reference to others: What is Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) Standard? It is a muti-node HDP
2.4/Ambari 2.2.1 cluster on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud launched in a few mouse clicks. Hortonworks aims to match this service with the latest version of HDP. You
name email passwords or ssh key the
number of nodes the
VM types for your masters and workers should
your cluster be HA or not as shown in this screenshot: Where's Ambari? Once the cluster is successfully deployed, the Azure Dashboard will go from something like: to the Ambari service is located on the first master server. In the Azure portal goto Resource group, <your resource group name which was selected at first "Basics" step>, master1, settings and look for Public IP address. Use a web browser to access Ambari with: <master1 Public IP address>:8080 What's the Ambari username? The default username is "admin". The password was set under "Ambari password" in the screenshot above. What are my ssh parameters? The HDP service ports are enabled by default during the cluster installation. The master nodes allow external ssh access so use the cluster creation fields in the screenshot above in a terminal: ssh <cluster admin username>@<your cluster name> Worker nodes are only accessible via ssh from any of the master nodes. Why am I receiving "Operation result in exceeding quota limits on Core"? The default Azure Resource Manager (ARM) cores is 20 and not enough to deploy an HDP Standard cluster. Prior to deploying the cluster, request a ARM core quota increase to at least 120. Details to request a quota increase are here and remember ARM core resources are Azure region specific.
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05:10 PM
Hi @marksf, what are the system specs? CPU, RAM, etc. Not that this is the root cause of the problem but it can help as we start to suggest options. Was this MySQL service a fresh install with HDP or was it existing?
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03:56 PM
4 Kudos
Here are some lessons learned while trying to deploy the latest version of Cloudbreak (1.1.0) on Azure. Please refer to the latest Hortonworks Cloudbreak documentation for the detailed steps and use this article as a supplement until the documents are updated. Logging into the Deployer VM There is a prebuilt image for Azure Cloudbreak deployer. This image does not require a ssh key; however, record the username and password you've specified at setup in the Azure portal (see the section in green highlight below). Those are your credentials to login to the deployer VM and setup Cloudbreak services later. Once the VM deploys (refer to the Azure portal for status), grab the the Public IP specified in the Azure portal and ssh into the VM. Ssh into the Deployer VM by, ssh <your specified username>@<public IP specified in Azure portal>
password: <enter you specified password> Deployer VM run initiation steps Once you've logged into the Deployer VM, run these initiation steps which are currently missing from the document: Create a file called Profile cd ~
vi ./Profile
Add the following, export PUBLIC_IP=<the public IP address of the Deployer VM> You can always find the Deployer VM's public IP address in the Azure portal. And do not leave a space between the equals and IP e.g. PUBLIC_IP=12.34.245 rather than PUBLIC_IP= 12.34.245 Now run the following, cbd init The output looks something like, Profile already exists, now you are ready to run:
cbd generate
===> Deployer doctor: Checks your environment, and reports a diagnose.
local version:1.1.0
latest release:1.1.0
docker command: OK
docker client version: OK
docker server version: OK Now run cbd generate and enter the VM’s password you specified at setup when prompted. The output looks something like: generating docker-compose.yml
generating uaa.yml
At this point you can run the 'cbd' commands for the Azure application setup with Cloudbreak Deployer and deployment of a DASH service in Cloudbreak Deployer as shown in the document. Displaying your Cloudbreak UI credentials Run the following command to output your Cloudbreak UI credentials (Note: you don't use your Azure AD user for this login), cbd login It will output something like, Uluwatu (Cloudbreak UI) url:
http://<Deployer VM's public IP>:3000
login email:
Request an Azure quota increase Lastly, Azure has a default limit of 20 cores in a region. Follow these steps to request a quota increase because the Deployer VM together with a deployment of the hdp-small-default Ambari blueprint will exceed the default core limit resources. Happy Cloudbreak deploying!!
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05:18 PM
2 Kudos
Awesome! I was able to create the issue and verify the workaround you've posted. As an FYI to others, here are the detailed steps to resolve this issue: To use Ambari to manage (start/stop) the Zeppelin service, run the following commands on the node running Ambari server. For example, on CentOS 6.*: yum install -y git
VERSION=`hdp-select status hadoop-client | sed 's/hadoop-client - \([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/'`
sudo git clone /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/$VERSION/services/ZEPPELIN
sudo service ambari-server restart On a node (call it 'Node A') that is not running Ambari server, install the nss package: yum install -y nss Once Ambari is back up and you've install the nss package to "Node A", in Ambari, go Actions -> Add service -> check Zeppelin service -> Place the Zeppelin service on Node A in the assign masters step and click Next -> Next -> Next -> Deploy. The installation will start once you click Deploy Once complete, the Zeppelin Notebook service will be running. You can navigate to http://<FQDN of Node A>:9995 or follow the steps here to create the Ambari view.
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04:13 PM
@Mangesh Kaslikar if you're still running into trouble, please list the steps/commands you executed so others can try to reproduce your issue. Thanks.
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07:33 PM
@Ali Bajwa and @Dhruv Kumar, thanks for the suggestions. Like you I could not reproduce this on a fresh install. I no longer have access to the environment that was showing this behavior but I know it had gone through multiple Zeppelin version changes and perhaps that caused this behavior...
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03:32 PM
After following the Apache Zeppelin setup provided here - Zeppelin notebook does not show output after executing commands successfully. Here's a subset of the errors seen in YARN logs: Stack trace: ExitCodeException exitCode=1: /grid/1/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/root/appcache/application_1447968118518_0003/container_e03_1447968118518_0003_02_000004/ line 23: :/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/interpreter/spark/dep/*:/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/interpreter/spark/*:/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/lib/*:/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/*::/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/conf:/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/conf:/usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf:$PWD:$PWD/__spark__.jar:$HADOOP_CONF_DIR:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/*:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib/*:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-client/*:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-client/lib/*:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-client/*:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-client/lib/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/yarn/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/hdfs/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/*:$PWD/mr-framework/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/*:/usr/hdp/${hdp.version}/hadoop/lib/hadoop-lzo-0.6.0.${hdp.version}.jar:/etc/hadoop/conf/secure: bad substitution Noticed the mapred-site.xml had "${hdp.version}" variables that were not replaced. The workaround was replacing the variable with the actual hdp version in the mapred-site.xml then restarting. See the screenshot below: This is posted as an FYI in case anyone else runs into a similar issue. I don't have a root cause for this behavior at this time.
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