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Here are some lessons learned while trying to deploy the latest version of Cloudbreak (1.1.0) on Azure. Please refer to the latest Hortonworks Cloudbreak documentation for the detailed steps and use this article as a supplement until the documents are updated.

Logging into the Deployer VM

There is a prebuilt image for Azure Cloudbreak deployer. This image does not require a ssh key; however, record the username and password you've specified at setup in the Azure portal (see the section in green highlight below).


Those are your credentials to login to the deployer VM and setup Cloudbreak services later. Once the VM deploys (refer to the Azure portal for status), grab the the Public IP specified in the Azure portal and ssh into the VM.

Ssh into the Deployer VM by,

ssh <your specified username>@<public IP specified in Azure portal>
password: <enter you specified password>

Deployer VM run initiation steps

Once you've logged into the Deployer VM, run these initiation steps which are currently missing from the document:

  • Create a file called Profile
cd ~
vi ./Profile

Add the following,

export PUBLIC_IP=<the public IP address of the Deployer VM>

You can always find the Deployer VM's public IP address in the Azure portal. And do not leave a space between the equals and IP e.g. PUBLIC_IP=12.34.245 rather than PUBLIC_IP= 12.34.245

Now run the following,

cbd init 

The output looks something like,

Profile already exists, now you are ready to run:
cbd generate
===> Deployer doctor: Checks your environment, and reports a diagnose.
local version:1.1.0
latest release:1.1.0
docker command: OK
docker client version: OK
docker server version: OK

Now run

cbd generate 

and enter the VM’s password you specified at setup when prompted. The output looks something like:

generating docker-compose.yml
generating uaa.yml

At this point you can run the 'cbd' commands for the Azure application setup with Cloudbreak Deployer and deployment of a DASH service in Cloudbreak Deployer as shown in the document.

Displaying your Cloudbreak UI credentials

Run the following command to output your Cloudbreak UI credentials (Note: you don't use your Azure AD user for this login),

cbd login 

It will output something like,

Uluwatu (Cloudbreak UI) url:
  http://<Deployer VM's public IP>:3000
login email:

Request an Azure quota increase

Lastly, Azure has a default limit of 20 cores in a region. Follow these steps to request a quota increase because the Deployer VM together with a deployment of the hdp-small-default Ambari blueprint will exceed the default core limit resources.

Happy Cloudbreak deploying!!


Thanks, great article.