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10:00 AM
Cloudbreak is a cloud agnostic Hadoop As A Service solution. It is easy to install, only one command in the command line, and an other one to start the service itself. During startup Cloudbreak Deployer tries to figure out the underlay infrastructure and sets required environment variables with competent default values, but some cases it isn't enough. In this article i collected all of the possible customizations, default values and some hint what does the variable configure in Profile file.
ADDRESS_RESOLVING_TIMEOUT 120000 - DNS lookup timeout for internal service discovery AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID "" - Access key of the AWS account AWS_ROLE_NAME cbreak-deployer - Name of the AWS role for the `cbd aws [generate-rol, show role]` commands AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "" - Secret access key of the AWS account AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - Azure subscription ID for interactive login in Web UI AZURE_TENANT_ID - Azure tenant ID for interactive login in Web UI CAPTURE_CRON_EXPRESSION - SmartSense bundle generation time interval in Cron format CBD_CERT_ROOT_PATH "${PWD}/certs" - Path where deployer stores Cloudbreak certificates CBD_LOG_NAME cbreak - Name of the Cloudbreak log file CBD_TRAEFIK_TLS "/certs/traefik/client.pem,/certs/traefik/client-key.pem" - Path inside of the Traefik container where TLS files located CB_AWS_CUSTOM_CF_TAGS "" - Comma separated list of AWS CloudFormation Stack tags CB_AWS_DEFAULT_CF_TAG "" - Default tag AWS CloudFormation Stack CB_AWS_DEFAULT_INBOUND_SECURITY_GROUP "" - Default inbound policy name for AWS CloudFormation Stack CB_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID provision-ambari - External ID of the assume role policy CB_AWS_HOSTKEY_VERIFY "false" - Enables host fingerprint verification on AWS CB_AWS_VPC "" - Configures the VPC id on AWS if it is the same as provisioned cluster CB_BLUEPRINT_DEFAULTS "hdp-small-default;hdp-spark-cluster;hdp-streaming-cluster" - Comma separated list of the default blueprints what Cloudbreak initialize in database CB_BYOS_DFS_DATA_DIR "/hadoop/hdfs/data" - Deprecated - Default data dir for BYOP orchestrators CB_COMPONENT_CLUSTER_ID - SmartSense component cluster ID CB_COMPONENT_ID - SmartSense component ID CB_COMPOSE_PROJECT cbreak - Name of the Docker Compose project, will appear in container names too CB_DB_ENV_DB "cbdb" - Name of the Cloudbreak database CB_DB_ENV_PASS "" - Password for the Cloudbreak database authentication CB_DB_ENV_SCHEMA "public" - Used schema in the Cloudbreak database CB_DB_ENV_USER "postgres" - User for the Cloudbreak database authentication CB_DB_ROOT_PATH "/var/lib/cloudbreak" - Deprecated - Location of the database volume on Cloudbreak host CB_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:3000/notifications - Address of the default subscription for Cloudbreak notifications CB_ENABLEDPLATFORMS - Disables Cloudbreak resource called Platform CB_ENABLE_CUSTOM_IMAGE "false" - Flag to enable custom cloud images CBD_FORCE_START - Disables docker-compose.yml and uaa.yml validation CB_GCP_HOSTKEY_VERIFY "false" - Enables host fingerprint verification on GCP CB_HBM2DDL_STRATEGY "validate" - Configures hibernate.xxxxxxx.auto in Cloudbreak CB_HOST_DISCOVERY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN "" - Custom domain of the provisioned cluster CB_HTTPS_PROXY "" - HTTPS proxy url CB_HTTP_PROXY "" - HTTP proxy url CB_IMAGE_CATALOG_URL "https://name.amazonaws.com/cloudbreak-info/cb-image-catalog.json" - Image catalog url CB_INSTANCE_NODE_ID - Unique identifier of the Cloudbreak node CB_INSTANCE_PROVIDER - Cloud provider of the Cloudbreak instance CB_INSTANCE_REGION - Cloud region of the Cloudbreak instance CB_INSTANCE_UUID - Unique identifier of Cloudbreak deployment CB_JAVA_OPTS "" - Extra Java options for Autoscale and Cloudbreak CB_LOG_LEVEL "INFO" - Log level of the Cloudbreak service CB_MAX_SALT_NEW_SERVICE_RETRY 90 - Salt orchestrator max retry count CB_MAX_SALT_RECIPE_EXECUTION_RETRY 90 - Salt orchestrator max retry count for recipes CB_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_REGIONS - Comma separated list of default regions by platform (AWS:eu-west-1) CB_PRODUCT_ID - SmartSense product ID CB_SCHEMA_MIGRATION_AUTO true - Flag for Cloudbreak automatic database schema update CB_SMARTSENSE_CONFIGURE "false" - Flag to install and configure SmartSense on cluster nodes CB_SMARTSENSE_CLUSTER_NAME_PREFIX - SmartSense Cloudbreak cluster name prefix CB_SMARTSENSE_ID "" - SmartSense subscription ID CB_TEMPLATE_DEFAULTS "minviable-gcp,minviable-azure,minviable-aws" - Comma separated list of the default templates what Cloudbreak initialize in database CB_UI_MAX_WAIT 400 - Wait timeout for `cbd start-wait` command CERTS_BUCKET "" - S3 bucket name for backup and restore certificates via `cbd aws [certs-restore-s3 certs-upload-s3]` commands CERT_VALIDATION "true" - Enables cert validation in Cloudbreak and Autoscale CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_AUTH "true" - Configures mail.smtp.auth in Cloudbreak CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_FROM "noreply@hortonworks.com" - Email address of the sender CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_HOST "smtp.service.consul" - SMTP server address ot hostname CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_PASSWORD "$LOCAL_SMTP_PASSWORD" - Password CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_PORT 25 - Port of the SMTP server CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_USERNAME "admin" - User name for SMTP authentication CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE "false" - Configures mail.smtp.starttls.enable in Cloudbreak CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_TYPE "smtp" - Defines mail.transport.protocol in CLoudbreak COMMON_DB commondb - Name of the database container COMMON_DB_VOL common - Name of the database volume COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT 120 - Docker Compose execution timeout DB_DUMP_VOLUME cbreak_dump - Name of the database dump volume DB_MIGRATION_LOG "db_migration.log" - Database migration log file DOCKER_CONSUL_OPTIONS "" - Extra options for Consul DOCKER_IMAGE_CBD_SMARTSENSE hortonworks/cbd-smartsense - SmartSense Docker image name DOCKER_IMAGE_CLOUDBREAK hortonworks/cloudbreak - Cloudbreak Docker image name DOCKER_IMAGE_CLOUDBREAK_AUTH hortonworks/cloudbreak-auth - Authentication service Docker image name DOCKER_IMAGE_CLOUDBREAK_PERISCOPE hortonworks/cloudbreak-autoscale - Autoscale Docker image name DOCKER_IMAGE_CLOUDBREAK_SHELL hortonworks/cloudbreak-shell - Cloudbreak Shell Docker image name DOCKER_IMAGE_CLOUDBREAK_WEB hortonworks/cloudbreak-web - Web UI Docker image name DOCKER_TAG_ALPINE 3.1 - Alpine container version DOCKER_TAG_CBD_SMARTSENSE 0.10.0 - SmartSense container version DOCKER_TAG_CERT_TOOL 0.2.0 - Cert tool container version DOCKER_TAG_CLOUDBREAK 2.1.0-dev.70 - Cloudbreak container version DOCKER_TAG_CLOUDBREAK_SHELL 2.1.0-dev.70 - Cloudbreak Shell container version DOCKER_TAG_CONSUL 0.5 - Consul container version DOCKER_TAG_HAVEGED 1.1.0 - Haveged container version DOCKER_TAG_MIGRATION 1.0.0 - Migration container version DOCKER_TAG_PERISCOPE 2.1.0-dev.70 - Autoscale container version DOCKER_TAG_POSTFIX latest - Postfix container version DOCKER_TAG_POSTGRES 9.6.1-alpine - Postgresql container version DOCKER_TAG_REGISTRATOR v5 - Registrator container version DOCKER_TAG_SULTANS 2.1.0-dev.70 - Authentication service container version DOCKER_TAG_TRAEFIK v1.2.0 - Traefik container version DOCKER_TAG_UAA 3.6.5 - Identity container version DOCKER_TAG_ULUWATU 2.1.0-dev.70 - Web UI container version IDENTITY_DB_NAME "uaadb" - Name of the Identity database IDENTITY_DB_PASS "" - Password for the Identity database authentication IDENTITY_DB_URL "${COMMON_DB}.service.consul:5432" - Url for the Identity database connection included the port number IDENTITY_DB_USER "postgres" - User for the Identity database authentication LOCAL_SMTP_PASSWORD "$UAA_DEFAULT_USER_PW" - Default password for the internal mail server PERISCOPE_DB_HBM2DDL_STRATEGY "validate" - Configures hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto in Autoscale PERISCOPE_DB_NAME "periscopedb" - Name of the Autoscale database PERISCOPE_DB_PASS "" - Password for the Autoscale database authentication PERISCOPE_DB_SCHEMA_NAME "public" - Used schema in the Autoscale database PERISCOPE_DB_USER "postgres" - User for the Autoscale database authentication PERISCOPE_DB_TCP_ADDR - Address of the Autoscale database PERISCOPE_DB_TCP_PORT - Port number of the Autoscale database PERISCOPE_LOG_LEVEL "INFO" - Log level of the Autoscale service PERISCOPE_SCHEMA_MIGRATION_AUTO true - Flag for Autoscale automatic database schema update PUBLIC_IP - Ip address or hostname of the public interface REST_DEBUG "false" - Enables REST call debug level in Cloudbreak and Autoscale SL_ADDRESS_RESOLVING_TIMEOUT - DNS lookup timeout of Authentication service for internal service discovery SL_NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED "0" - Enables self signed certifications in Authentication service SULTANS_CONTAINER_PATH /sultans - Default project location in Authentication service container TRAEFIK_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTION 100 - Configures --maxidleconnsperhost for Traefik UAA_CLOUDBREAK_ID cloudbreak - Identity of the Cloudbreak scope in Identity UAA_CLOUDBREAK_SECRET $UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Secret of the Cloudbreak scope in Identity UAA_CLOUDBREAK_SHELL_ID cloudbreak_shell - Identity of the Cloudbreak Shell scope in Identity UAA_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT "seq1234567.SequenceIQ" - Default account for users as an Identity group UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Default secret for all the scopes and encryptions UAA_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL admin@example.com - Email address of default admin user UAA_DEFAULT_USER_FIRSTNAME Joe - First name of default admin user UAA_DEFAULT_USER_GROUPS "openid,cloudbreak.networks,cloudbreak.securitygroups,cloudbreak.templates,cloudbreak.blueprints,cloudbreak.credentials,cloudbreak.stacks,sequenceiq.cloudbreak.admin,sequenceiq.cloudbreak.user,sequenceiq.account.${UAA_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT},cloudbreak.events,cloudbreak.usages.global,cloudbreak.usages.account,cloudbreak.usages.user,periscope.cluster,cloudbreak.recipes,cloudbreak.blueprints.read,cloudbreak.templates.read,cloudbreak.credentials.read,cloudbreak.recipes.read,cloudbreak.networks.read,cloudbreak.securitygroups.read,cloudbreak.stacks.read,cloudbreak.sssdconfigs,cloudbreak.sssdconfigs.read,cloudbreak.platforms,cloudbreak.platforms.read" - Default user groups of the users UAA_DEFAULT_USER_LASTNAME Admin - Last name of default admin user UAA_DEFAULT_USER_PW - Password of default admin user UAA_FLEX_USAGE_CLIENT_ID flex_usage_client - Identity of the Flex usage generator scope in Identity UAA_FLEX_USAGE_CLIENT_SECRET $UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Secret of the Flex usage generator scope in Identity UAA_PERISCOPE_ID periscope - Identity of the Autoscale scope in Identity UAA_PERISCOPE_SECRET $UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Secret of the Autoscale scope in Identity UAA_PORT 8089 - Identity service public port UAA_SULTANS_ID sultans - Identity of the Authentication service scope in Identity UAA_SULTANS_SECRET $UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Secret of the Authentication service scope in Identity UAA_ULUWATU_ID uluwatu - Identity of the Web UI scope in Identity UAA_ULUWATU_SECRET $UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET - Secret of the Web UI scope in Identity UAA_ZONE_DOMAIN example.com - External domain name for zone in Identity ULUWATU_CONTAINER_PATH /xxxxx - Default project location in Web UI container ULU_DEFAULT_SSH_KEY "" - Default SSH key for the credentials in Cloudbreak ULU_HOST_ADDRESS "https://$PUBLIC_IP" - Web UI host ULU_NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED "0" - Enables self signed certifications in Web UI ULU_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI "$ULU_HOST_ADDRESS/authorize" - Authorization page on Web UI ULU_SUBSCRIBE_TO_NOTIFICATIONS "false" - Flag for automatic subscriptions for CLoudbreak events ULU_SULTANS_ADDRESS "https://$PUBLIC_IP/sl" - Authentication service address VERBOSE_MIGRATION false - Flag of verbose database migration
There are some local Cloudbreak local development related variables.
CB_LOCAL_DEV_BIND_ADDR "" - Ambassador external address for local development of Cloudbreak and Autoscale CB_SCHEMA_SCRIPTS_LOCATION "container" - Location of Cloudbreak schema update files DOCKER_TAG_AMBASSADOR 0.5.0 - Ambassador container version for local development PERISCOPE_SCHEMA_SCRIPTS_LOCATION "container" - Location of Cloudbreak schema update files PRIVATE_IP $BRIDGE_IP - Ip address or hostname of the private interface REMOVE_CONTAINER "--rm" - Keeps side effect containers for debug purpose SULTANS_VOLUME_HOST /dev/null - Location of the locally developed Authentication service project UAA_SCHEMA_SCRIPTS_LOCATION "container" - Location of Identity schema update files ULUWATU_VOLUME_HOST /dev/null - Location of the locally developed Web UI project
And also some for run Cloudbreak on macOS.
DOCKER_MACHINE "" - Name of the Docker Machine where Cloudbreak runs DOCKER_PROFILE Profile - Profile file for Docker Machine related environment variables MACHINE_CPU 2 - Number of the CPU cores on the Docker Machine instance MACHINE_MEM 4096 - Amount of RAM on the Docker Machine instance MACHINE_NAME cbd - Name of the Docker Machine instance MACHINE_OPTS "--xhyve-virtio-9p" - Extra options for Docker Machine instance MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH $HOME/.docker/machine - Docker Machine storage path