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Master Guru

Cloudbreak is a popular, easy to use HDP component for cluster deployment on various cloud environments including Azure, AWS, OpenStac and GCP. This article shows how to create an Azure application for Cloudbreak using Azure CLI.

Note: To do this, you need access to "Owner" account on your Azure subscription. "Developer" and other roles are not enough.

  • Download and install Azure CLI using instructions provided here. CLI versions are available for Windows, Mac-OS and Linux Type "az" to make sure the CLI is available and in your command path.
  • Login to your Azure account in your web browser, and then also login from your command line:
az login 
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code HPBCSXTPJ to authenticate. 
  • Follow the instructions on the web page. When done you will see confirmation on the command line that your login was successful.
  • Run the following command. You can freely choose values to enter here including dummy URIs. Identifier URI and the homepage are never used on Azure but they are required. Also make sure that identifier URI is unique on your subscription. So, instead of "mycbdapp" you may choose a more descriptive name. URIs are dummy, never used, but required
az ad app create --identifier-uris --display-name mycbdapp --homepage 
  • Ignore the output of this command, including appId, that's not the one we need!
  • Choose your password, and run the following command
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "mycbdapp"  --password "mytopsecretpassword" --role Owner
  "appId": "c19a48f3-492f-a87b-ac4a-b1d8e456f14e",
  "displayName": "mycbdapp",
  "name": "http://mycbdapp",
  "password": "mytopsecretpassword",
  "tenant": "891fd956-21c9-4c40-bfa7-ab88c1d8364c"
  • Now login to your Cloudbreak instance, select "manage credentials", "+ create credential", and on the "Configure credential" page select Azure and fill the form like on the screenshot.


  • Use appId, password, and tenant ID from the output above. Add you Azure subscription ID, and paste the public key of your ssh key pair your created before (this will be used to provide ssh access to cluster machines to the "cloudbreak" user). Then, proceed by providing other settings, and enjoy HDP on Cloudbreak!