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4287 | 02-10-2017 09:20 PM | |
4926 | 08-09-2016 01:05 PM |
08:43 PM
@Manish Anand it could be that in trying to re-run the ambari-server install you inadvertantly corrupted the postgreSQL database that was part of the Sandbox. It makes more sense to blow this away and reimport the Sandbox image rather than try and troubleshoot the problem.
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01:56 PM
Thank you Ameet for your tips.
I am following the link @ to set up the credit card transaction monitor application
We are trying to do the end to end demo of credit card transaction monitor app by end of this week. We tried to clone the latest code and there was a version mismatch error while building the storm topology. Latest storm code(1.x) will work with only HDP2.5 which is not available in Azure. Later I have used the git code committed on nov15 which contains the storm version(0.10.0) maps to HDP2.4.
I am able to start the transactions with the simulator jar and able to see the transactions flowing with basic details. After that I am not seeing any transactions(Transaction id,merchant type,amount,distance) in the below box after double clicking it. I have captured the screenshots of the steps which I have done.
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03:50 AM
@Ameet : I am not seeing the warning when I do kinit -kt <keytab> <princ> which means when I renew the ticket lifetime for next 24 Hrs . But within the ticket lifetime I am seeing the WARN and hadoop Dirs when I try to access hadoop fs -ls / So I don't understand why this WARN coming . My tickets are non renewable , and I am not doing Kinit -R but when I try to access hadoop fs -ls / I am seeing WARN . Anything related to Delegation token refresh ??
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03:38 PM
Hi Roberto, Glad the article was helpful! In reply to your questions: 1. Correct, the HDP version is not listed on the Azure Marketplace website. It's certainly something will consider. I believe we were trying to reduce the burden on the Microsoft site admins to constantly manage version/link/documentation links. The HDP Azure Marketplace version should match the release cadence of HDP. And after you deploy HDP you can always check the HDP version in Ambari by going to Admin --> Stacks and Versions --> Version. The latest documentation and HDP releases notes are always here. 2. The Azure Marketplace deployment is great for non-elastic clusters and to start running a pilot use case. If ease of elasticity is a core requirement, take a look at Azure HDInsight to spin up more nodes on demand automatically. Not all the HDP services are on HDInsights but it may be a great option for your pilot. Thanks, Ameet
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09:29 PM
2 Kudos
It appears this was a bug that was filed with MySQL pertaining to the JDBC driver version I was using. I was originally using mysql-connector-java-5.1.17.jar. I have since upgraded to mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar and this issue has gone away.
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01:48 PM
Thanks, great article.
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08:28 PM
Accepting this as best answer. Thanks @Ali Bajwa
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