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1900 | 04-21-2016 08:42 PM | |
3276 | 03-28-2016 09:29 PM |
06:13 PM
Thank you for the response, Sandeep. This is part of my problem, I am uncertain in which other logs to look. Can you point me to where I can find the application log for Spark thrift server application in Yarn? Also, on which node that log will be? I.e.: the same node as ambari, or on the node with the error?
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04:35 PM
Hi Nico, I very much appreciate your response - I did check my times and my NTPd is working fine. All of the nodes have the exact same time. I will keep digging around and asking questions - hopefully I/we can figure out something. thanks!
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07:28 PM
I have a fresh install of Ambari (HDP 2.5 - version: and I have a few services that will not remain running. There are not yet any users of this cluster; thus, it is simply a new cluster that is not yet in use. One service that I am struggling to understand what may be going wrong is the Spark Thrift Server. If I attempt to start the Spark Thrift Server, it generally stops within 1-5 minutes. Even upon a full reboot of the entire cluster this service will stop soon thereafter. The only output I can find is: [ambari-heartbeat-processor-0] HeartbeatProcessor:612 - State of service component SPARK_THRIFTSERVER of service SPARK of cluster hdpcluster has changed from STARTED to INSTALLED at host hdpcnode4 according to STATUS_COMMAND Being this is a cluster, the Spark Thrift Server is running on node4 and ambari is on node1. The above log entry I find on node1 within /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log. My guess is there may be more info about this failure in another log file but I have not had luck finding where this additional log data may be found.
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
03:39 PM
Ok, you are referencing the access icon in the below screenshot, correct? I just need to ensure I am at the root level, not inside a processor. Thank you!
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03:27 PM
I have Nifi setup using HTTPS, I have created the certs, and I have added my cert to the authorizers file within the <property name="Initial Admin Identity"></property> tags. I can access NIFI just fine and I can get to the Users and Policies areas via the top-right Global Menu and I have successfully added other users who all can access Nifi as well. However, I must have something wrong as no one (including myself) has the ability to edit the canvas. Per the HDF docs, section 6.3.3 Access Policy Configs, everyone looks like "User 2" with the component toolbar inactive. Further, to add to my confusion, I can access policies by clicking the top-right Global Menu and going to Policies, but per section Creating Users and Groups, I cannot click on the Access Policies icon (a key) - or I can actually click on it, but nothing happens. Can anyone offer insights as to what I may have wrong? Any assistance is very much appreciated.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:13 PM
@Matt Clarke - I think I get it now. I was misunderstanding that within the Policy area I need to literally add their cert credentials. I was falsely assuming once I added a user, I would see those users as options to add to policies. It appears I must not only copy the users cert to the users area but also to all of the policies to which they should have access. I agree, I did not want to manually edit files. I was just previously confused how policies were getting applied.
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10:48 PM
Interestingly enough, it did not work until I stopped and restarted nifi. I did take the user's id ("user identifier") out of the users.xml file and add that ID to the policies within authorizations.xml. Not certain that was needed or not? Do those policies work similar to the old roles?
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10:04 PM
I followed the instructions here : How To Create User Generated Keys for Securing Nifi ...and after some initial problems I have a single user account working. This is the account I placed into the "authorizers.xml" file within the "Initial Admin Identity". The person with that SSL cert can access the system just fine. My question is how do subsequent users gain authorization? In the past (version .6) I recall they could connect and there was a request access process whereby the admin assigned roles to the new user. However, I handed out a 2nd cert (with a different email address) to a co-worker and they are simply getting the error "Unable to perform the desired action due to insufficient permissions" in their browser when trying to connect. Do I need to add their info to a file before they can access Nifi? Are there still roles? Via the authorizations.xml file there appears to still be roles, but I am not clear how they are assigned. When my coworker attempts to access, here is the the nifi-user.log entry: INFO [NiFi Web Server-173] o.a.n.w.a.c.AccessDeniedExceptionMapper EMAILADDRESS=<>, CN=myservernode1, OU=NIFI, O=BU, L=ST, ST=MD, C=US does not have permission to access the requested resource. Returning Forbidden response. Thanks, again, for any assistance.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:37 PM
Thank you for the thorough answer. I am good to give this a try now. I cannot recall the previous HDF version I installed, but I think it was based on Nifi 0.6. I was back in, roughly, April of 2016. Thank you again!
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