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6846 | 01-17-2017 06:19 AM |
12:38 PM
[server] # Protocol (http or https) ;protocol = http protocol = http # The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces ;http_addr = # The http port to use ;http_port = 3000
http_port = 3000 # The public facing domain name used to access grafana from a browser ;domain = localhost
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12:21 PM
1 Kudo
when i click on grafana UI then it will take me to the a different page and there its giving This site can’t provide a secure connection <hostname> sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
06:19 AM
It working now with 'PARQUET.COMPRESSION'='SNAPPY'
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11:26 AM
I was creating one table in hive using beeline in which i need to compress my data using PARQUET file format.
so i try to use set parquet.compression=SNAPPY; But while executing this command i am getting one error as : Error: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify parquet.compression at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=42000,code=1)
I checked and this property is not present in whitelist of params and we dont have permissions to edit the whitelist. so i got one resolution as instead of using set parquet.compression=SNAPPY; at runtime I used the table properties TBLPROPERTIES ('PARQUET.COMPRESS'='SNAPPY') and then it works the table is successfully created. But when i loaded the data to table and by using describe table i compare the data with my other table in which i did not used the compression, the size of data is same. so that means by using 'PARQUET.COMPRESS'='SNAPPY' compression is not happening. Is there any other property which we need to set to get the compression done. For Avro i have seen the below two properties to be set to do the compression hive> set hive.exec.compress.output=true; hive> set avro.output.codec=snappy; Likewise do i need to set some other property for parquet file?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
06:24 AM
I have one application id which i got from Resource manager and since this job ran by hive as user so i am not able to find out exactly who ran that job.
So i have application ID and now i need to know the code or query used by that particular application id.
Is there a way to get any kind of logs from which i can get the code or query used by that application ID
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Cloudera Manager
02:30 PM
@Rajesh Balamohan
The thing is nothing is changed in code or in the volume of data.
There is no change made on cluster in terms of configuration or installation of new things.
And since there is no change made than how suddenly the job is getting slow?
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10:02 AM
Please find the full logs from Resource Manager UI.
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08:15 AM
1 Kudo
The hive query which is used by my batch is taking too much time to run.
Earlier when i fire the same query it took around 5 minutes and now it is taking around 22 minutes.
I cant change the query.
Please suggest the correct way to investigate this issue or kindly suggest any resolution.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hive
07:29 AM
Unfortunately we dont have HUE in our cluster.
Also locate command is not working in my client's env.
I will try this script, hoping it will help.
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