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07:02 AM
I'm on mobile but could it be that you are not wrapping it around the single quotes?
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06:26 AM
1 Kudo
@wann_douglas That processor maintains state, it could be that you might have run it at one point. You can verify by right clicking on the processor and going to "view state" If there are values there then at one point it ran, and you probably want to clear the state. To do so you can do that by clicking on "clear state" on the same place you viewed the state. **** Make sure your processor is stopped. Hope that helps.
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08:46 AM
1 Kudo
Hi there is a state directory you should clear. Not sure exactly where it is on CM but it typically lives under $NIFI_HOMME/conf/state ( stop the NIFI's ) This is assuming you do not care about local state that processors might be using. If you do then follow this: Can address it by going to $NIFI_HOME/state/local/partition-0. Make sure NiFi is stopped. Rename whatever .journal file is there to .journal.bak (e.g., mv 158.journal 158.journal.bak). Then copy this file to /tmp and in the partition-0 directory use cat 158.journal.bak /tmp/append-to-state > 158.journal Start NiFi
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11:11 AM
Hi @Koffi Not sure if you have ambari metrics enabled? If you dont then I would just simply delete the flow.xml.gz typically found under: on <node01> /usr/hdf/current/nifi/conf Assuming you have HDF managed by HDP ambari. And then restart your nifi If you do have amabri metrics enabled then do the same thing but instead restart the nifi from the command line on node01 $NIFI_HOME/bin/ restart <Assuming you set a runas user on your bootstrap.conf> or run same command as user who will run nifi. The reason ambari metrics plays a role here is that if you restart nifi from ambari AND you have ambari metrics enabled then once you remove the flow.xml.gz, ambari will see its missing and create a vanilla one with ambari metrics and will get a flow mismatch again. Hope that helps! Juan C.
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12:04 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @LuxIsterica, I would split your json (SplitJson) > EvaluateJsonPath ( To turn att2 to an attribute and call it an attribute name ) > RouteOnAttribute ( To see if the attribute name you grabbed equals to aaa ) > Route it either to you found a relationship or unmatched
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07:56 AM
Hi @rajivswe_2k7, Alternatively, you can run your FlowFile through a ReplaceText processor and configuring it with replacement value of "ravi" / replacement strategy of "append" and Evaluation mode of "Line-by-line"
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12:10 PM
1 Kudo
Hello @jdelarosa91, First off welcome to Apache NIFI and its ecosystem. You can accomplish this by using PutDistributedMapCache and FetchDistributedMapCache processors. First, you must configure theDistributedMapCacheServer and DistributedMapCacheClientService controller services. Then your dataflow should be like so: Get token: InvokeHttp > UpdateAttribute ( Assign an attribute for instance MyToken and give it value TOKEN ) > EvaluateJsonPath ( get the value you want ) > PutDistributeMapCache ( For cache entry identifier give it the attribute ${MyToken} ) Now in the MapCache we have a key, value like so: TOKEN / <the string you got from EvaluateJsonPath> And when you need to grab the token: GenerateFlowFile ( Configure an attribute MyToken give it value of TOKEN ) > FetchDistributeMapCache ( cache identifier ${MyToken} and "out identifier in attribute" give it a name to call your token with) > InvokeHttp ( Here when you need to use the token you can call it using nifi attribute ${the attribute with the token retrieved from you MapCache )
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11:29 AM
Hi, What does the nifi-app.log say? bootstrap will show JVM related messages but for this case inspect your,
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05:02 PM
hmm to me it sounds like you have a DNS issue. I would go to the logs directory of one of the NIFI hosts: If using HDF it should be: /usr/hdf/current/nifi/logs and then do a grep like this: grep "org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer" * One of the very last lines should have something that reads like so: nifi-app_2019-07-25_13.0.log:2019-07-25 13:30:40,076 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer NiFi has started. The UI is available at the following URLs: nifi-app_2019-07-25_13.0.log:2019-07-25 13:30:40,076 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer http://SOME-URL:SOME-PORT/nifi Once you have that then I would try to ping that FQDN or IP and if you cant then you either have something going on with DNS or need to add that FQDN and IP to your local machines /etc/host file, assuming you are trying to reach the UI on a *NIX machine
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01:51 PM
Hi, Where is NIFI running? Is it on your own machine or somewhere else? By default and if using HDF, if NIFI is not secured it will run on port 9090 but if you are secured it will run on port 9091. Do you have a value on your machine in file /etc/hostname? on one of your nifi nodes? I assume you are deploying HDF?
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