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4353 | 07-23-2024 11:49 PM | |
646 | 05-28-2024 11:06 AM | |
1145 | 05-05-2024 01:27 PM | |
721 | 05-05-2024 01:09 PM | |
780 | 03-28-2024 09:51 AM |
02:59 AM
1 Kudo
@keifuku Broken Pipe means the socket connection to HS2 is getting terminated either from Client or Server end. Do you have any timeout set in Client end, because we do not have any timeout configured in Hiveserver2. Also do check if your HS2 servers are under heavy load. You may get an idea by looking at number of active sessions, and heap utilization. If you are seeing too many connections, or notice JVM pause messages in HS2 logs, consider adding more resources, or adding more HS2 instances(place them behind a load balancer).
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06:13 AM
1 Kudo
@Shahezad We do not have any way to put HMS behind a Load Balancers. If we have more than one HMS instances, they only work in Active-Active mode. Do consider increasing the metastore client timeout for Service Montitor. Also, see if there is any slowness with RDBMS used as metastore DB. The memory cached in Host level should not be a problem, They get freed when there is a requirement. Ref
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07:38 AM
@dmharshit It will not be easy to tell you what could be causing this from this error message alone. Maybe if you could share the query EXPLAIN PLAN as well as HS2 logs, that will give us a better idea. Else, just try the following config change in Hive metastore, and in my experience this should help: CDP > Hive > Configuration > Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml
property: hive.metastore.event.listener
Value:<leave it blank>
Note: do not add anyting in the Value field
Property: hive.metastore.transactional.event.listeners
Value: < leave it blank>
Note: do not add anyting in the Value field
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02:04 AM
@grojas How is the response when you ping ? If it is faster, do check what's the order of the HOST resolution in nsswitch.conf file: # grep -i hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
#hosts: db files nisplus nis dns
hosts: files dns myhostname Make sure you have files as the first entry. Also, add an entry in the /etc/hosts file as follows: #cat /etc/hosts localhost
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01:59 AM
@ArtG001 Have you enabled SSL/TLS for Hiveserver2 as per the doc you have shared above, else we should see a valid result here? Do confirm. I tried the openssl command on a non SSL Hive endpoint and I got similar response.
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01:07 AM
Could you please share screenshots of the Instance tab from both Hive and Hive on Tez services? Based on our experience, the following action should resolve the issue. Stop and delete the "HiveServer2" and "WebHCat" instances from Cloudera Manager > Hive > Instances Check that the role "HiveServer2" is present in Cloudera Manager > Hive on Tez > Instances Verify the Configuration page for 'Hive on Tez'; ensure that 'Hive Metastore Connector' is pointed at the Hive service that is running the Hive Metastore Restart the stale services
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11:34 PM
@Ganeshk Yes, we do not have any flag equivalent to -v in beeline. However, if we are looking for the command itself, you could find it in the line stating "Compiling command" or "Executing command"
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09:53 PM
@anjel Thank you! I can see that Support has reached out to the ODBC driver team. We'll wait for their response.
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03:46 AM
@anjel Are we saying we are able to see the column comments but table comment missing? Could you please try adding table comment as follows, instead of setting it in table properties? CREATE TABLE name(column1 string comment 'column comment') COMMENT "table comment")
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04:39 AM
@anjel Power BI does not have a native Hive connector. I guess you could only connect using an ODBC connector. I just tried listing a table using DbVisualizer, and and it shows the column comments as REMARKS. So, I would say it is specific to the Hive client(Power BI)
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