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2192 | 06-12-2024 06:43 AM | |
3327 | 04-12-2024 06:05 AM | |
2225 | 12-07-2023 04:50 AM | |
1350 | 12-05-2023 06:22 AM | |
2275 | 11-28-2023 10:54 AM |
08:50 AM
@MaarufB Using nifi-cli outside of curl on a nifi node is definitely a challenge. There are a lot of things you need to check. Most of them are addressed in a similar post here: Hopefully you can find the solution within that post.
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06:27 AM
@yoiun Going to go out on a ledge here: It seems like the the sqoop command and hue/sqoop command are executed on different hosts. Does the new host have permissions to mysql? This error here: Access denied for user 'demo'@'' leads me to believe it does not.
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06:18 AM
@i_am_dba This is a very difficult one to explain. I think the issue is the string schema, or removing the avro schema you mentioned. My first suggestion would be to try to specific the schema which should help getting the data into the right formats. An alternate solution is to try and do that manually by replacetext/regex,etc but that is not the ideal solution. That said, another higher level suggesting is to update the upstream datasource to permanently solve the instability from '' (blank string), 'null' (string), or actual NULL (not a blank, '', or string at all).
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06:09 AM
@MaarufB Please make a new post with as much detail as you can around your question and use case. This is an old topic and will not get a good response in the comments. Feel free to @ tag me in the new post.
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08:05 AM
@sathish3389 Its not entirely clear what you are asking here but I will give it a go. ListenHttp is used to listen to an http port with POST limited capabilities. If you are looking post data to nifi as more of REST API, you may want to check out HandleHttpRequest and HandleHttpResponse, as they have a bit more capability, and some ssl client authentication requirements. They also allow you to program authentication logic before returning the response. To do that. you would build your data flow (after HandleHttpRequest) to look for an authentication (user,password,key,etc) header, validate that and then if valid, continue to HandleHttpResponse with 200 (success). An invalidate authentication header would then go to HandleHttpResponse with 500 (error). An invalid request (wrong path, missing info, etc) could be routed to HandleHttpReponse with 404 (invalid).
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03:47 AM
@samrathal Check the docs here: Accordingly, make a get request to get the controller service, then using the payload, modify with updates and make the put request to update your controller service.
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11:51 AM
@raniaa Ambari is no longer part of the Cloudera ecosystem of tools/products. I would recommend you look for community support for ambari on stackoverflow or the ASF Slack.
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09:31 AM
@leandrolinof FetchFile is going to look for the file on the nifi node or nifi nodes where nifi is installed. This is usually something done on the primary node of a multi node nifi cluster. If you want to connect to another linux server, not part of the nifi cluster you will have to take a different approach. One such approach could be using minifi, or possible ExecuteScript to run a linux command from nifi node to other linux server.
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10:53 AM
1 Kudo
@morti I believe the answer is yes. For example, if i query a database, and get results as content, that schema for those results is an attribute of the flowfile holding the content. Additionally, i could add attributes in my flow based on certain conditions, or other attributes, or even the content from prev processors.
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10:44 AM
1 Kudo
@GireeshP No, cloudera does not support iceberg in on-prem. It is for CDP Public Cloud only. There are no details or timelines at this time for on-prem availability.
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