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Title | Views | Posted |
385 | 09-17-2024 08:10 PM | |
851 | 07-31-2024 10:04 AM | |
551 | 07-28-2024 10:56 PM | |
1968 | 06-12-2024 12:40 AM | |
1908 | 04-21-2024 11:25 PM |
05:54 AM
@Laplace it seems like the cloudera manager repo you are using on that server is not correct, please check the repo and correct it, it could be the URLs present are incorrect. repo path: /etc/yum.repos.d/
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05:52 AM
@bvaka it seems like the AWS credentials you have provided are not correct, can you please fetch the correct ones from AWS and pass it in the API
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05:50 AM
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05:49 AM
1 Kudo
no, you cannot configure audit logs of SMM to go to HDFS
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02:09 AM
2 Kudos
Thanks @Rajat_710 and @VidyaSargur . I already accepted the answer.
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01:22 AM
1 Kudo
To troubleshoot the issue of ranger policies not getting synced, you can check the following log files in HDFS: 1. ranger_admin.log: This log file contains the logs related to the Ranger Admin service. It can be found in the Ranger Admin node at the location: `/var/log/ranger/ranger-admin`. 2. ranger_admin_audit.log: This log file contains the logs for auditing actions performed by Ranger Admin. It can be found at the same location as ranger_admin.log.= 3. hdfs.log: This log file contains the logs for HDFS operations. It can be found in the Hadoop log folder, which is usually located at: `/var/log/hadoop/hdfs` or `/var/log/hadoop-hdfs`
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12:31 AM
1 Kudo
hey @idundovic no it's not possible to share a service b/w two cluster even if they are managed by the same CM. You need to have separate services for each of the clusters. There will be cluster ids associated with each service and each service will have its own unique service ids in DB which will store config respectively. Regards, Rajat Jangra
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09:01 AM
Hi, @gowthamsanjam cloudera provides its own JDBC driver to connect to the cloudera warehouse, instead of the custom jar you can go with the Cloudera-provided jar, which should suffice for your use case.
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12:32 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @quangbilly79 any advanced config will be treated as CM advanced config, CM is overriding it, so I tried the same config in my test cluster and it will be stored in the process directory yarn-site.xml file. You can ssh to your Yarn NM node and check the latest yarn process directory for the same and find the shuffle property in it. Example path: /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/415-yarn-NODEMANAGER/yarn-site.xml
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