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10:39 AM
1 Kudo
" The only error from today seem to be repeating: 2024-10-17 08:35:19,764 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-5] o.a.n.c.s.StandardControllerServiceNode StandardControllerServiceNode[service=CSVRecordLookupService[id=a8b84b00-b0ee-31c8-dbda-7e7e9795ba4b], name=CSVRecordLookupService, active=true] Encountering difficulty enabling. (Validation State is INVALID: ['CSV File' is invalid because CSV File is required, 'Lookup Key Column' is invalid because Lookup Key Column is required]). Will continue trying to enable. 2024-10-17 08:35:19,764 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-13] o.a.n.c.s.StandardControllerServiceNode StandardControllerServiceNode[service=CSVRecordLookupService[id=10c1880b-0376-3223-c6b8-8d14780a8001], name=CSVRecordLookupService, active=true] Encountering difficulty enabling. (Validation State is INVALID: ['CSV File' is invalid because CSV File is required, 'Lookup Key Column' is invalid because Lookup Key Column is required]). Will continue trying to enable." I am also having these erros, if it helps you in any way.
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10:35 AM
The NiFi actually starts for the first time, if I close it and try to restart it, it never gets restarted again. No custom add ons. I dont know how to debug in logback.
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08:49 AM
@MattWho Hi Matt, I am having the same issue as: Here are my web properties: and java version as below: Please suggest any resolution.
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10:25 AM
Any feedback would be appreciated.
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05:30 AM
I have extracted below json from my executesql processor: { "Id" : "B2606868-F4BC-4230-9749-A083F6D222B2", "ReminderPlan" : "-5d, -1d'", "ModifiedOn" : "2024-01-03 19:56:59.0000000" } and I have several of these. The task at my hand is to extract the reminderplan value and pass it as an attribute to some sql processor and run a sql function on that reminderplan column value; for example: DECLARE @output varchar(255); SET @output = NewDemo.dbo.StandardizeReminderPlan('-5d, -1d') SELECT @output AS Result; After storing output value in Result, I want to insert the function value back in the same json. Could anyone suggest which processors I should use to accomplish this?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
12:00 AM
1 Kudo
Any feedback would be appreciated.
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05:00 PM
I am trying to access a .py file present in one of the docker container and I am using execute stream command processor for it. However, I am receiving "Permission Denied" error on the .py file. Even though, the file has all the rights given but still facing this issue. Any feedback will be appreciate. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:50 AM
I resolved the issue. I had DepartmentId in my avro schema however, I was getting DepartmentID in the input. Schemas are case sensitive. Now, that the string values are appended in the DepartmentID column, I am using RouteOnContent processors and using ${DepartmentID:equals('Undefined')} to match if the DepartmentID' values are of undefined or null type. It is not identifying the "Undefined" values. is the regex statement correct? Content of flow file is: [ { "TenantId" : "FF369226-0EDA-4D0D-B48C-6B27F404ECCB", "DepartmentID" : "Undefined", "Name": "xyz" } ]
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03:55 AM
I am reading avro flow flow (using embedded schema) and for writing it, I am providing schema.text. My schema text is this: { "name": "nifi", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "name": "TenantId", "type": ["null","string"] }, { "name": "DepartmentId", "type": ["null","string"] }, { "name": "Name", "type": ["null","string"] } ] } The issue is its not retaining DepartmentID as strings and converting them to null.
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01:18 AM
Hi all. I have two avro-binary types of flow files and their content is: Flow file one: [ { "DepartmentID" : "Undefined", "Name" : "Non Billable", } ] Flow file two:[ { "DepartmentID" : "Null", "Name" : "Tax", } ] I am using UpdateRecord processor to add a key:value (tenantId) in the same file for which I am using below avro schema: { "name": "nifi", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "name": "TenantId", "type": ["null","string"] }, { "name": "DepartmentId", "type": ["null","string"] }, { "name": "Name", "type": ["null","string"] } ] } I am using literal value replacement value strategy and getting TenantId from previous processors. So far, this is a success and tenantId is appended. However, as a result, the DepartmentId changes to null for BOTH the files. Where I can ensure that the DepartmentId's values are not changed because based on these values, I have to route the "undefined" file for further processing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi