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3523 | 08-21-2014 09:52 PM |
10:36 AM
1 Kudo
I found that CM server 5.2 hangs intermittently(sometimes it hangs within a week, sometimes hangs after running for two weeks): # service cloudera-scm-server status cloudera-scm-server dead but pid file exists And the last few lines of cloudera-scm-server.log shows: 2015-02-01 03:11:49,047 INFO JvmPauseMonitor:com.cloudera.enterprise.debug.JvmPauseMonitor: Detected pause in JVM or host machine (e.g. a stop the world GC, or JVM not scheduled): paused approximately 2901ms: GC pool 'ParNew' had collection(s): count=1 time=21ms, GC pool 'ConcurrentMarkSweep' had collection(s): count=2 time=3020ms 2015-02-01 03:11:49,060 INFO JvmPauseMonitor:com.cloudera.enterprise.debug.JvmPauseMonitor: Detected pause in JVM or host machine (e.g. a stop the world GC, or JVM not scheduled): paused approximately 2914ms: GC pool 'ParNew' had collection(s): count=1 time=21ms, GC pool 'ConcurrentMarkSweep' had collection(s): count=2 time=3020ms 2015-02-01 03:11:54,106 INFO JvmPauseMonitor:com.cloudera.enterprise.debug.JvmPauseMonitor: Detected pause in JVM or host machine (e.g. a stop the world GC, or JVM not scheduled): paused approximately 4546ms: no GCs detected. 2015-02-01 03:11:54,107 INFO JvmPauseMonitor:com.cloudera.enterprise.debug.JvmPauseMonitor: Detected pause in JVM or host machine (e.g. a stop the world GC, or JVM not scheduled): paused approximately 4558ms: no GCs detected. How can I fix this problem? Thx!
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
03:16 PM
To set up policy for sentry service, I saw that there is an example of set select permission for a database on cloudera doc: GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE jranalyst1 TO ROLE analyst_role; How can I set the select permission on table A in Database B to Role C ? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Sentry
04:30 PM
When I was trying to selecting "Enable Sentry Authorization using Policy Files" and click save in Hive configuration, cloudera manager shows: Sentry authorization cannot be enabled using both policy files and Sentry service at the same time. Because I used both sentry service and policy based sentry here. Does anyone knows where can I configure policies or its counterparts with cloudera manager? Does the new sentry service still maintain sentry-provider.ini? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Sentry
Cloudera Manager
01:44 PM
dlo, thank you for your reply, the problem is solved by configuring the CDH version in the drop down menu of the cluster.
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01:29 PM
When I trying to add a sentry service in cloudera manager 5.1, I can't find the sentry in the list of "Add Service Wizard" by following the instructions at I checked that the sentry RPM is installed by Cloudera Manager on the nodes in the cluster. Does anyone know how to add the sentry service in cloudera manager? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Sentry
Cloudera Manager
12:28 PM
I installed Hue 3.6 with CDH5.1.1 by cloudera manager, but I can't find Spark in Query Editor menu. I verified that the spark is up and running and hue-spark RPM has been installed on hue node. Would anybody know how I can troubleshoot the problem? Is it caused by using cloudera manager express version that used to install the cluster?
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
Cloudera Hue
Cloudera Manager
09:52 PM
1 Kudo
Yes, the user group of impala node and hive nodes are the same. I finally got the answer of my question. If I set "hive.sentry.restrict.defaultDB" to true in sentry-site.xml, the behavior of impala and hive will be the same. Because the default value of "hive.sentry.restrict.defaultDB" is false by default. Refer line 48 of of sentry source code.
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11:36 AM
I use hive server 2 with sentry only let users to access "anon" database, however I still can see and use the "default" database: beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2:// anon1 anon1 Connecting to jdbc:hive2:// Connected to: Hive (version 0.10.0) Driver: Hive (version 0.10.0-cdh4.4.0) Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ 0: jdbc:hive2://> show databases; +----------------+ | database_name | +----------------+ | anon | | default | +----------------+ 2 rows selected (0.409 seconds) And here is the role and group definition: [groups] anon_analyst = anon_select_tables_role, anon_insert_tables_role [roles] anon_select_tables_role = server=localhost->db=anon->table=*->action=SELECT anon_insert_tables_role = server=localhost->db=anon->table=*->action=INSERT And the user anon1 is in the unix group. However, Impala cannot access the default database which is the correct behavior. Could anybody knows how to solve the problem for hive? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
Apache Sentry