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3526 | 08-21-2014 09:52 PM |
04:38 PM
Hi @nkp, What is your Cloudera Manager version? To follow up with gziglgldrum's post, in case you can not access the article, here are some details copied from there: To configure the maximum heap size of the SCM process, please do: 1) Edit the CMF_JAVA_OPTS property in the /etc/default/cloudera-scm-server file. 2) Alter last line of the file: export CMF_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m ..." 3) To configure more heap memory to Cloudera Manager, please change -Xmx2G to bigger value. For example, -Xmx4G. Note: -Xmx2G option specifies 2 GB of RAM. 4) Restart Cloudera Manager by running below command: sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart You may also want to read this documentation to find out what is the recommended heap size for your Cloudera Manager: Thanks and hope this helps, Li
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09:01 PM
Hi romain, I'm using CDH 5.2, i've add "[desktop] app_blacklist=" to the Service and Wide Configuration tab of Hue on Cloudera Manager but Spark still not show up on Hue. I also try to edit the hue.ini in /etc/hue/conf but nothing happen to, the desktop configuration tab on Hue still show this: app_blacklist spark Comma separated list of apps to not load at server startup. Default: Can you provide any help ? Thanks !
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03:25 PM
2 Kudos
You can switch to the database and grant privileges on the table. USE jranalyst; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE a TO ROLE c; Hive currently doesnt support fully qualified table names (db1.tb1) in grant/revoke sql, and that is the reason you will need to switch to the database first to be able to grant privileges on a table.
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04:41 PM
Hi, Sentry service stores policy information in a relational database, whereas the Policy File implementation uses a file. You should never use both at the same time as that would be redundant. When using Sentry service, you issue grants and revokes via the HiveServer2 client beeline. The descriptions for the Sentry configuration in the CM UI have links to documentation explaining the usage, which should answer all of your questions. Thanks, Darren
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01:44 PM
dlo, thank you for your reply, the problem is solved by configuring the CDH version in the drop down menu of the cluster.
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09:52 PM
1 Kudo
Yes, the user group of impala node and hive nodes are the same. I finally got the answer of my question. If I set "hive.sentry.restrict.defaultDB" to true in sentry-site.xml, the behavior of impala and hive will be the same. Because the default value of "hive.sentry.restrict.defaultDB" is false by default. Refer line 48 of of sentry source code.
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