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09:28 AM
1 Kudo
I have a guess: you need to make each of those things a separate arg tag? I don't know Oozie well myself, but something similar is needed in Maven config files. That is it may be reading this as one arg not two, called "-xm mapreduce"
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01:58 AM
1 Kudo
You can run an EXPLAIN on a query to see how Hive would plan to run the query (how many phases). This will help you get a sense of 'how many jobs' or something close to it. Your query is invalid in HiveQL, but with GROUP BY statements further added for col1 and col2 to make it legal, it would take a single job.
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07:06 AM
Yes, do you not see it working? You'll need to pass the XML property via the workflow.xml under the action's configuration section.
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07:10 AM
Hi, Your reply does help. Thanks. But I still have doubts regarding passing parameters via Hue UI. 1.If I pass the parameter value using the Properties field, then will it be updated in the workflow under <agr> tag or <property> tag? 2. What is the use of Parameter field under Workflow Settings. Also could you please give some insight regarding my use-case: I want to run the java mapreduce program using mapreduce action. I have a jar with multiple Mapper and Reducer Class defined and I want to use Oozie as driver for my Mapper and Reducer programs. And at the same time passing argument values through Oozie to my Mappers and Reducers. How can I achieve this using Hue UI to create and workflow?
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06:38 AM
1 Kudo
Typically, users use output files on HDFS paths to share data or values between jobs. The capture-output size is limited cause we store it inside the Oozie DB before we transfer it over to the next action instance. The max size is therefore limited by the size RDBMS supports for CHAR/VARCHAR columns, 64k for MySQL for example.
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