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Title | Views | Posted |
5783 | 06-09-2017 01:52 PM | |
13557 | 02-24-2017 02:32 PM | |
11477 | 11-30-2016 02:48 PM | |
3862 | 03-02-2016 11:14 AM | |
4720 | 12-16-2015 07:11 AM |
12:32 AM
@JoaquinS Your CM agent config file does not have TLS enabled, but the CM server configuration has. I would suggest to disable the Use TLS Encryption for Agents, Use TLS Authentication of Agents to Server, Verify Agent Hostname Against Certificate settings and restart CM to proceed to make the installation work in a first step. Once that is done, please follow the steps in this documentation chapter to enable TLS encryption for CM agent communication.
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09:57 PM
could you share the steps fo jce policy file i have install in /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171/jre/bin/security/US_export_policy.jar /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171/jre/bin/security/local_policy.jar
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10:51 AM
2 Kudos
@Prav, More or less, I think we are on the same page. One thing to keep in mind, too is the offset so that you can make sure you are seeing all the results in the timeperiod. For example: Return the first 1000 queries starting from most recent: https://hostname:7183/api/v17/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2018-07-09T12:59:32.776Z&to=2018-07-10&limit=1000 Retrun the next 1000 queries: https://hostname:7183/api/v17/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2018-07-09T12:59:32.776Z&to=2018-07-10&limit=1000&offset=1000 Return the next 1000: https://hostname:7183/api/v17/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2018-07-09T12:59:32.776Z&to=2018-07-10&limit=1000&offset=2000 (Keep doing this until you get 0 results) If you get 0 results AND you also have a warning, that means you have another partition to traverse. In that case, you would use the date/time in the warning to populate the "to" parameter in the next query (assuming the warnings show the date time 2018-07-10T01:16:17.434Z): https://hostname:7183/api/v17/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2018-07-09T12:59:32.776Z&to=2018-07-10T01:16:17.434Z&limit=1000 If the number of queries is equal to the limit, increment the offset to return the next 1000: https://hostname:7183/api/v17/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2018-07-09T12:59:32.776Z&to=2018-07-10T01:16:17.434Z&limit=1000&offset=1000 and repeat until you get 0 queries returned. If you get another warnings date/time, replace the "to" parameter value with it and repeat. If you get 0 results and 0 warnings, there are no more queries to retrieve. NOTE: While you are doing all these queries, running queries may complete, so it is a good idea to specify an initial "to" date that is a little bit in the past if you want consistent results.
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08:20 AM
If you want to use spark2-shell and spark2-submit, you don't have to set those ENV variables. I set it because I wanted to point the current spark-shell/submit to spark2. This should be done in all the nodes that you want to use the shell and/or the submit. I forgot to add the changes that I made for spark-sumbit. In these files: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.8.0-1.cdh5.8.0.p0.42/bin/spark-submit
/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.8.0-1.cdh5.8.0.p0.42/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit Add this ENV var: SPARK_HOME=/opt/cloudera/parcels/SPARK2-2.1.0.cloudera1-1.cdh5.7.0.p0.120904/lib/spark2
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01:43 PM
I just saw this thread after commenting on the Jira. Would "conv()" be a suitable workaround here? select conv('100010', 2, 10);
| conv('100010', 2, 10) |
| 34 |
Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.24s More information on conv() can be found in the Impala documentation. Edit: To make things complete, the Jira is IMPALA-4968.
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06:57 AM
No one stopped or uninstalled the agent manually because I'm the only one that manages that server. What I did that day was reinstall a MySQL server, I don't know if that is related with this issue. Running cloudera-scm-agent seems that is was uninstalled: Failed to start cloudera-scm-agent.service: Unit cloudera-scm-agent.service failed to load: No such file or directory. So I reinstalled the agent and now is working. Thanks
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08:02 PM
hi were you able to resolve this problem? ip-10-0-0-5.ec2.internal, executor 1): java.lang.AbstractMethodError at org.apache.spark.Logging$class.log(Logging.scala:50) at org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterReceiver.log(TwitterInputDStream.scala:60) at org.apache.spark.Logging$class.logInfo(Logging.scala:58) at org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterReceiver.logInfo(TwitterInputDStream.scala:60) at org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterReceiver.onStart(TwitterInputDStream.scala:96) at org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.ReceiverSupervisor.startReceiver(ReceiverSupervisor.s
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09:29 PM
Please take a look at this thread for a response:
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