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4992 | 08-29-2017 01:21 PM | |
4765 | 06-16-2017 11:19 AM |
08:12 PM
Looks like you don't have the Python development packages installed. On my Ubuntu system that's the libpythonx.y-dev package, where 'x' is 2 and 'y' is 7. On Red Hat or Cent OS systems I think you want to install the python-devel package. On my test Cent OS 6.6 system python-devel provides /usr/lib64/
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01:21 PM
No, --max_clock_sync_error_usec is a Kudu parameter, not an ntp parameter. You need to reconfigure Kudu to use it. See the Kudu documentation and the Cloudera Manager documentation to learn how to reconfigure Kudu.
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01:18 PM
--max_clock_sync_error_usec is a Kudu gflag parameter, which means it can be passed on the command line (i.e. 'kudu-tserver --fs_wal_dir=... --fs_data_dirs=... --max_clock_sync_error_usec=...'), or it can be included in a gflagfile (i.e. 'kudu-tserver --gflagfile=/path/to/file', then /path/to/file is a file containing "--max_clock_sync_error_usec=..." along with other parameters, each on its own line). If you're managing Kudu with CM, there's no way to feed this parameter into Kudu except via the gflagfile safety valve.
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03:47 PM
There's no workaround for this yet. For the time being, every Kudu table must have a primary key, and it must be populated if loading data from a table without primary keys.
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03:45 PM
The Kudu documentation on the subject suggests your ntp installation may need some troubleshooting. Interestingly, the max error you're seeing (10,000,016 microseconds or just past 10 seconds) is very close to the max error allowable (exactly 10 seconds). What you could do is configure your Kudu service with something like --max_clock_sync_error_usec=11000000 (11 seconds), and that should be good enough for your ntp installation. You'd need to put this in the Kudu service's safety valve configuration since --max_clock_sync_error_usec is not exposed as a first class configuration parameter in CM.
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03:29 PM
Bear in mind that this Python code merely connects and operates on an existing Kudu cluster; it doesn't start one for you. If you haven't yet created and started a Kudu service, you'll need to do that first. If you have, the value for 'host' in kudu.connect() needs to be the valid hostname where you're running the Kudu master.
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02:18 PM
You need to first install the Kudu client system packages. Check out the documentation here: Specifically, you need to install the 'kudu-client0' (RPM distros) or 'libkuduclient0' (DEB distros) package.
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11:36 AM
1 Kudo
Going from 1 to 3 masters requires running a specific workflow. Based on what you wrote I'm not sure whether your single master is working now or not, but that definitely needs to be fixed first. What is the value of the --master_addresses command line parameter for your master? Also, on the master machine, run the following code (adjusting the path as needed): kudu pbc dump --oneline /var/lib/kudu/master/consensus-meta/00000000000000000000000000000000 There should be only one listed peer; if there is more than one, you'll need to use kudu local_replica cmeta rewrite_raft_config to fix it (see the workflow link above for details on how that command works).
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11:09 AM
1 Kudo
Based on the contents of kudu-master.ERROR, it looks like your deployment has multiple masters, or perhaps had multiple masters in the past. Is that the case? I suspect that the error only surfaced after the upgrade because this may be the first time in a long while that you've restarted the master. Anyway, please describe the topology of your cluster.
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11:19 AM
1 Kudo
Yes, what you're observing is Kudu preallocating one 64 MB write-ahead log segment for each partition. The space will be filled once you start writing to the partition. In Kudu 1.4 we dropped the segment size from 64 MB to 8 MB. If you'd like to make that change now, you can do so via the --log_segment_size_mb command line option. An alternative would be to disable preallocation via --log_async_preallocate_segments=false and/or --log_preallocate_segments=false, but that's not something we generally test so I would advise against it.
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