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11:01 AM
Thanks. I think I can use Cruise Control to re-distribute the partitions across the new brokers. Haven't tried yet though.
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09:53 AM
Hi all, this may be an easy question, but just wanted to verify. When adding new brokers to the cluster, after installing the Kafka role/instance on the new hosts, should you start the new broker instances first before you restart the existing brokers? Or does it matter? This is CDP Private Cloud 7.1.7 Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
09:54 AM
Hi, we have recently configured SRM for one way topic replication from primary -> secondary. We have added a few test topics for test and everything looks healthy. Do you happen to know if it's possible to rename the "primary" alias to something else at this point? I understand we would have the modify the alias/name in the SRM config in CM, but would there be other unknown issues that you are aware - or recommend against renaming altogether? We only have a handful of test topics we are replicating so far... so wanted to ask before we open the floodgates. Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
08:11 AM
Hey @StevenOD if we stop the service... do you know if there is a way to keep it from starting when we restart the cluster vi CM?
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07:54 PM
Thank you @EricL . Makes sense. We currently have MySQL set up in a master/slave config. But it looks like even with that... if the Master is offline, you have to manually edit the CM config to point to the slave. There is no where in CM (that I see) to add a slave/secondary MySQL hostname. So I assume that is why you reference setting up MySQL in a "cluster" configuration and not just master/slave replication - correct? Thank you.
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09:59 AM
Hi, I have a general question. All of our metadata (CM, Hive MS, Oozie, Navigator, etc) is stored in a local MySQL instance on the Cloudera Manager host (see list of DB's below). If this host were to fail, or the MySQL service were to become unavailable for a period of time, would all of the core cluster services (excluding CM services) continue to function? I am unclear if we need to look at implementing a MySQL cluster to maintain cluster uptime. Thank you! Edit: I should add that we are currently replicating MySQL to a slave. amon rman metastore metastore sentry nav navms oozie sqoop hue
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Navigator
01:48 PM
Does anyone know if it is possible to exclude the Kafka service from the primary "Cluster Start/Stop" sequence in Cloudera Manager? We need to stop the CDH cluster to perform maintenance on the MySQL metadata server, which affects Hive, Impala, Sentry, Hue, HBase?, Oozie, Navigator, etc... all of which we use. Kafka is part if this CDH cluster. To stop the cluster, I would like to use the cluster "start/stop" menu item on the main CM page just for peace of mind in maintaining the proper shut down and startup sequence, but that would include Kafka going down as well, which we would like to avoid if possible. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
Cloudera Manager
12:27 PM
Hi, we need to decommission a host that the HDFS "Balancer" role resides on. I don't see a way to migrate that role in CM. Will the decommission process automatically assign it to a different host? Regards, Michael
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
07:26 AM
Hi All, does the "Balancer" role itself use any resources? Does it matter which host the role resides (e.g. NameNode, Edge Node, etc)? Thank you.
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08:45 AM
Hi All, if we add a few additional DataNodes to our cluster, and then execute a rebalance, do the dependent services (Hive, Impala, SOLR, Flume, etc) require an immediate restart or can they run with a stale configuration for a week or so until we can schedule it?
The DataNodes will include the following roles:
HBase RegionServer
HDFS DataNode
Impala Daemon
Solr Server
YARN NodeManager
Thank you.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager