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12:37 PM
Thank you for asking @ABP. Cloudera doesn't have such a book. If you are wondering what to study for the CCA Administrator Exam (CCA131), you can find out on the certification page which lists:
Number of questions
Time limit
Score required to pass
How the test is evaluated and scored
Audience and Prerequisites
Exam delivery and cluster information
Of course the part you would be interested in is listed as well in the Required Skills section. This section lists all the skills you will need to be able to perform as part of the test.
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05:58 AM
3 Kudos
@Piks I think we may be having a perception issue but lets walk through this and see for sure. When looking over the certification page, the question format is explained:
Exam Question Format
Each CCA question requires you to solve a particular scenario. Some of the tasks require making configuration and service changes via Cloudera Manager, while others demand knowledge of command line Hadoop utilities and basic competence with the Linux environment.
Looking further down the page, the required skills (see below) should be interpreted as potential questions on the exam. So for instance the first item listed Set up a local CDH repository signifies that you will need to be able show proficiency in setting up a local CDH repository. By looking at the required skills list in this manner, there should be sufficient information available to prepare for the exam. The video with the one example is simply to provide greater context for how the questions will be asked and answered. You should be able to take it from there.
Is there something particular you are looking for in terms of guidance over and above this?
Required Skills
Demonstrate an understanding of the installation process for Cloudera Manager, CDH, and the ecosystem projects.
Set up a local CDH repository
Perform OS-level configuration for Hadoop installation
Install Cloudera Manager server and agents
Install CDH using Cloudera Manager
Add a new node to an existing cluster
Add a service using Cloudera Manager
Perform basic and advanced configuration needed to effectively administer a Hadoop cluster
Configure a service using Cloudera Manager
Create an HDFS user's home directory
Configure NameNode HA
Configure ResourceManager HA
Configure proxy for Hiveserver2/Impala
Maintain and modify the cluster to support day-to-day operations in the enterprise
Rebalance the cluster
Set up alerting for excessive disk fill
Define and install a rack topology script
Install new type of I/O compression library in cluster
Revise YARN resource assignment based on user feedback
Commission/decommission a node
Enable relevant services and configure the cluster to meet goals defined by security policy; demonstrate knowledge of basic security practices
Configure HDFS ACLs
Install and configure Sentry
Configure Hue user authorization and authentication
Enable/configure log and query redaction
Create encrypted zones in HDFS
Benchmark the cluster operational metrics, test system configuration for operation and efficiency
Execute file system commands via HTTPFS
Efficiently copy data within a cluster/between clusters
Create/restore a snapshot of an HDFS directory
Get/set ACLs for a file or directory structure
Benchmark the cluster (I/O, CPU, network)
Demonstrate ability to find the root cause of a problem, optimize inefficient execution, and resolve resource contention scenarios
Resolve errors/warnings in Cloudera Manager
Resolve performance problems/errors in cluster operation
Determine reason for application failure
Configure the Fair Scheduler to resolve application delays
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09:18 AM
1 Kudo
I removed all java using yum uninstall java*...Then downloaded the fresh java from oracle website. Make sure you are not using OPEN java anywhere. Then set Java path properly. It should work then..
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08:44 AM
1 Kudo
If you choose to use a custom Java location, modify the host configuration to ensure the JDK can be found: Open the Cloudera Manager Admin Console. In the main navigation bar, click the Hosts tab and optionally click a specific host link. Click the Configuration tab. Select Category > Advanced. Set the Java Home Directory property to the custom location. Click Save Changes.
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02:51 PM
@Piks, I think I have seen this before. Check your /opt directory on the zookeeper hosts to make sure that it has "execute" for other. I reproduced what you see by setting the following: drwxr-xr--. 3 root root 21 Feb 7 13:50 opt Try running: chmod 755 So that it looks like this: drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 21 Feb 7 13:50 opt Try starting services again after that. Regards, Ben
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