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1710 | 04-21-2021 03:12 AM | |
11893 | 01-24-2020 06:27 AM |
07:18 AM
Hi. I'm setting up a CDP 7.1.6 cluster. I've created a local parcel repo as described HERE Web Server is up and running and I can access repository from the browser. In CM the same URL doesn't enable the greyed out continue button Parcels are there, manifest.json is ok, files permission and ownership are as described. Can't understand where I am wrong
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03:12 AM
Just to say that a different approach, with MiNiFi on each machine, meets the needs . Thanks
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07:50 AM
Hi there. I'm using NiFi to get data from remote windows servers using the GetSmbFile processor. It works but I have a number of servers exposing data on SMB share and I'm trying to understand if I can catalog all my remote servers in a SQL table with needed parameters (eg. hostname, user, pass, share) to be passed to that processor. I see that GetSmbFiles doesn't support EL so I haven't found a working solution nor anything helpful on line. Is this achievable without writing my own processor or running external code? Any help is appreciated
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:36 PM
I've tried to set a value at a time and restart CM. Nothing changes It seems to be a known bug on that CDH release Had the opportunity to open a SR through my customer's account and support answered that the message can be dismissed Thanks for your answers
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06:03 AM
Hi all. I'm facing a CM configuration error I can't understand. I've kerberized a Cloudera 5.16 cluster which authenticates against an AD/DC controller. I've set aes256-cts and aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 encryption types. CM reports a configuration issue: I've a separate cluster, configured with the same values and authenticating to the same AD/DC controller, that have no errors. I'm struggling on that error but can't solve. Any idea?
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
02:09 AM
Hi. I've a file with 128Mb block size I'd like to change an existing file's blocksize using: hdfs dfs -mv /user/myfile.txt /tmp
hdfs dfs -D dfs.blocksize=268435456 -cp /tmp/myfile.txt /user It works When I try to use a distcp, with -p to preserve original file's attributes, target file's blocksize doesn't change hadoop distcp -p -D dfs.block.size=268435456 /tmp/myfile.txt /user/myfile.txt Can't understand where am I wrong
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07:49 AM
Hi. Has your client machine a valid kerberos client setup? Is it's krb5.ini, or krb5.conf for windows machines, coherent with underlying kerberos server setup? Stefano
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12:35 AM
Thanks for your answer, below the details. I am running Hive and Impala on CDH 6.1.1 I've set those parameters: SET = true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;
set hive.compactor.initiator.on = true;
set hive.compactor.worker.threads = 1;
set hive.txn.manager = org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager; Then I've created a sample table: CREATE TABLE MYDIM (key int, name string, zip string, is_current boolean)
STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true'); I've loaded some data INSERT INTO MYDIM VALUES
(1, 'bob', '95136', true),
(2, 'joe', '70068', true),
(3, 'steve', '22150', true); I run a select in HIVE and records are returned SELECT * FROM MYDIM;
mydim.key mydim.is_current
1 bob 95136 true
2 joe 70068 true
3 steve 22150 true I can update & delete UPDATE MYDIM SET NAME = 'svasi' WHERE KEY=3;
mydim.key mydim.is_current
1 bob 95136 true
2 joe 70068 true
3 svasi 22150 true Table is available in Impala but no results are returned when I run the select * from mydim I've tried to invalidate metadata but still no records are read from Impala query Thanks for your help
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07:10 AM
Hi Community. I've created a transactional table on HIVE. I'm able to perform CRUD operations. When I try to query the same table from IMPALA, my query returns 0 rows. I've already invalidated metadata for that table but cannot see any of the existing records. Where am I wrong?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala