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04:29 AM
1 Kudo
We have 3 regional intake tables partitioned by date and a client-view table partioned by date and region. is there a way to populate the client-view table with data from the 3 source tables in one atomic transaction instead of three separate insert commands: currently we do multiple insert statement like: insert into client_view_tbl
col, col2, col3...
)partition(cobdate='20240915', region='region1')
select col2, col2, col3... from region1_table where cobdate='20240915';
insert into client_view_tbl
col, col2, col3...
)partition(cobdate='20240915', region='region2')
select col2, col2, col3... from region2_table where cobdate='20240915';
insert into client_view_tbl
col, col2, col3...
)partition(cobdate='20240915', region='region3')
select col2, col2, col3... from region3_table where cobdate='20240915';
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
04:03 AM
Is there a way to do something like: case when (select count(*) from table1 > 0) then (select * from table1) when (select count(*) from table2 > 0) and (select count(*) from table3 > 0) then (select * from table3) end
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
03:35 AM
1 Kudo
Given 6 tables with identical column and all partitioned by date Need to get result of a union results from all 6 tables only if all tables have data for the given date i.e. partition else return nothing.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
03:53 AM
Everything is done as per the installation guide you provided.... still no joy Weird thing is import from Teradata to CDH works seamlessly, Just can't get export working
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08:28 AM
the export command is correct, just typo when I typed it here Tried exporting entire table: Hive to Teradata Error: com.teradata.connector.common.exception.connectorException: Index outof boundary both tables in source and destination have exact same columns all varchar in Teradata and string in Hive/Impala
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03:51 PM
Trying to export specific columns from Hive Table to Teradata tables. Can we export specific columns not entire Hive table getting Unsupported parameter --columns from below export command sqoop export --connect jdbc:teradat://.... --username xxx --password bbb --table table_name --columns "col1, col2, col3" --m 6 --export-dir /table/location Running Sqoop Version 1.4.7-cdh6.2.1
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache Sqoop
09:35 PM
could you give a working example of this in spark 2.4 using scala dataframe can't seem to find the correct syntax... val result = col("col_1") === "val_1" && col("col_2") === "val_2", 1)
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10:55 AM
Please explain this " ... E.g. the following would require only a single scan of the table (although it might be more expensive cause you don't have filtering from the where clause)...." not sure what you mean by the comment in brackets how will it be more expensive, what can we do to fix that.
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10:49 AM
Where clause relies on multiple columns
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